*~Chapter Ten~*

*~3 Hours Later~*

Sabrina's water broke, and Brian was at her side in the delivery room. He held her hand tightly.
"It's time to push!" The doctor said, looking down at her.
"NO! Not yet!!"
"Mrs. Litrell! We can't wait any longer! It is time!"
"No! I'm not Mrs. Litrell! My fiancee's coming! Please! Just a little longer!"
"Sabby, you have to go now. I'm sorry that he's not here." She stared up at him, thinking.
"Okay...I'll do it.."
"Okay. On three, push."
"Uh huh.."
Brian held her hand tight through it all. At the last push. Nick ran in, exhausted, and grabbed her other hand.
"I'm sorry baby! I'm so sorry!" Brian let go of her hand, feeling out of place. Sab looked at him and grabbed his hand again. Smiling at him, the baby was out. She sighed and layed her head down, out of breath.
"Good job, Sabby." Brian rubbed her hand. Nick kissed her on the forehead and ran his fingers through her hair.
"Congrats on a beautiful, healthy baby." The nurse handed her the baby girl, bundled in a blanket.
"Omigosh..look at her!" Brian started to cry. Nick smiled. Aaron and Mackenzie came into the room and joined in the smiles and tears. Sabrina and Brian quietly discussed names. She confirmed it with Nick.
"So..whats her name?" Mack asked, holding Aaron's hand.
"Nickia Elisabeth Litrell-Carter." Sabrina smiled and kissed her child's forehead. A tear dropped from her eye.

Email: frack0587@hotmail.com