*~Chapter Twelve~*

~~~~~later that night~~~~~

Sabrina sat alone in the room with Nickia. She held her baby girl close to her, softly singing. Sab was thinking about what to do. She loved Nick, but Brian is so caring, and he loved her so much.
"Nickia, what should I do??" She sighed and whispered to her daughter.
"It is best for you, I have to admit. But, would I be happy with Brian?"
Nick came in. He looked as if he had been crying.
"Hi honey."
"Hey Sab..decided yet?"
"Umm..Nick, can you come and sit with me?"
"Of course." He sat next to her, forcing away upsetting thoughts.
"Honey, this might take me a while you know. I just.. I want Nickia to be happy. I love you, but..I..I just don't know!"
"Look. Don't stress over it. We want you to be happy, so just do whatever your heart chooses."
"Okay. I will."
"I love you."
"I love you too."


Aaron and Mackenzie were in the hallway. They were talking about the things that happened while apart.
"So, I heard abou the dancer." Mack mentioned.
"D..d..dancer?? Wha..what about them?"
"Smoking?? No dancers are.."
"But Sab said.."
"Oh..about that.." Aaron explained, leaving Mack speechless and in tears.
"I'm so sorry Mack."
"You..you're sorry?? Well I guess that makes EVERYTHING all better, now doesnt it?? You go sleep with god only knows how many of your slutty dancers, and you say sorry?!?!?"
"Macky, I love you!!"
"Well you have a funny way of showing it!! If you love me, why the hell did you go fuck slutty women?!?"
"I missed you and-"
"Well you obviously didn't miss me that much!"
"But..you don't understand the situation!"
"I understand perfectly, Aaron!"
"Listen! Just hear me out, alright! Give me a few minutes without you interupting!!"
"Alright Aaron Carter. Explain yourself!"
"Honey, I was on the bus, very depressed about missing you! Kandi thought, only to cheer me up, that we should go to a club. I agreed after a lot of nagging and we danced. Kandi got a little carried away and we were alone on the tour bus, the next thing I knew! She persisted that we have sex. I told her so much that I couldn't, but.. I'm sorry."
"So, one question. Where was Nick at this time?"
"Working on love songs for Sabrina."

Email: frack0587@hotmail.com