Chapter Two

~The Next Morning~

"Wakey Wakey Princess!!" Nick jumped on top of Sabrina, wide awake and full of energy.
"Oh..okay..I'm up." She sat up, rubbing her eyes, forcing herself awake.
"We have a big party tonight after the concert! Lots of music, people and drinks!!" Nick smiled.
"Ooh, coolness!" Sabrina got up rising from her bed. She walked over to her dresser grabbing clothes and headed for the shower.


Mackenzie rose from her warm bed, stretching hard. She looked beside her, noticing Aaron was gone. She looked towards the door, and left the room, looking for him. A note sat on the kitchen table. It read:
Sorry baby! Something's come up. I won't be home for a few days. I didn't want to disturb your sleep. I love you honey! Just don't worry, I'll be okay. I have to go. Bye Sweetie!

Mack stood, wondering what could've happened that was so important. She began to worry, even though Aaron had said not to. Picking up the phone, she dialed Sabrina's cell. It rang 6 times, without an answer.
"What's going on???" She was very worried now. Panicing, she called everyone else's cell phones, still without an answer.
"What...what could've happened???" Mack began to cry with worry. She noticed she was shaking. Calming herself, she lastly phoned Aaron's phone, praying for an answer. A phone behind her rang, causing her to jump. It was Aaron's! She was crying more now, as she hung up the phone. Mackenzie wandered around the house, somewhat pacing, waiting for Aaron.

~Tour Bus~

Sabrina got out of the shower, getting dressed, and leaving the washroom.
"Hey! She's up!!" Howie shouted from the next room. She walked in and rolled her eyes. Nick snuck up behind her and grabbed her waist. Screaming, she turned, facing him.
"What? Did I scare yah??" Nick smiled evily.
"Well considering I'm in a bus full of guys...any one of you could've grabbed me! It's a frightning thought!" Brian passed her, shaking his head.
"Except Brian of course! He's a sweetie!" She winked at him. Nick acted dissed. The bus pulled up to the colluseium where they were going to perform at.
"Here already?? Man that was fast!" Aj ran towards the front of the bus, towards the door. A few fans screamed chasing the bus as it turned into the underground parking lot. The gates closed behind them, so that the fans could not go further. Everyone went to the front of the bus, hopping off.
"Only one more month of concerts and we can go home and get married!" Nick wrapped his arm around Sabrina as they headed for the stage area.
