Chapter One

Sabrina sat on the sidewalk, upset and confused. She cried so much that her face was red. She thought only of Nick, and the ring he held in front of her.

Nick sighed as he left the restaurant, gripping the ring in his hand. He watched his feet as he walked. Nick wondered why he was rejected. They had loved each other. Why did she say no? He went onto the bus and, trying to avoid everyone else, slipped into the washroom. He soaked his face with water, and looked in the mirror. In the reflection, he looked at his blond hair falling in his now pale white face. He fell down on his knees and cried. Nick's face was buried in his arms, as he sobbed. Brian heard him and walked in. He rubbed Nick's back, curious.
"Nick, what's wrong?" He looked up, standing and wiped a tear away.
"Sab..she said no.."
"Oh god..Why?"
"I don't know."
"Man, I'm so sorry, where is she?"
"Oh shit, I..I dont know."
"Where would she go??" Nick shrugged and thought for a minute.
"I guess we should go look, even if she hates me."
"I'm sure there was a reason for saying what she did. Nick, she loves you so much!"
"Thanks." They hugged and went out looking for Sabrina. Brian tried to cheer him up, a few laughs in the process. Finally after about an hour, they spotted Sab on a corner, cold as snow, crying.
"Oh my gosh! Sab!" Brian ran to her, Nick trailing behind, bit his lip. Brian grabbed her and tried to warm her with his body heat. He pulled off his jacket and wrapped it around her. Nick and Sabrina looked at each other. Tears came down her face and she looked at the ground.
"Nick, I..can I talk to you..please?" He nodded, walking towards her. Brian headed for a small coffee shop.
"Sab, I wanna know, why was I rejected?"
"I..I want to marry you, really. I..I just got scared and I choked. Nick, I love you more than anything in the world."
"I..I wished you'd say yes though. I..I won't be able to live without you. A life without you just isn't worth living."Sabrina smiled and hugged him tightly. They were both crying now.
"Nick, do I get another chance?"
"Of course. Let's try this again. Sabrin a nodded. Nick pulled the ring out of his pocket and knelt down.
"Baby, will you marry me?"
"Uh huh!!" He slipped the ring on her finger and jumped up. Nick lifted her and swung her around.
"I love you!"
"I love you too!" Brian came back, holding a bagel in his hand. He saw them hugging and kissing, so he ran towards them and joined in a hug. Brian looked at Sab's left hand.
"Congrats you guys!!"
"Thanks Bri!"Sabrina smiled.
"Thanks man!" Nick grabbed her new fiance's hand and they walked towards the bus. Brian led the way, leaving the engaged couple to talk behind. They thought about the wedding and future. Smiling, they found the bus, and hopped on, as three anxious Backstreet Boys awaited their return.