Oh, what, you didn't KNOW that b4-4 were the three most amazing and amazing-looking human beings on the planet ever?? Well, don't you worry mister, because this site has been created specifically to educate YOU about the fact of the b4-4 guys' all-encompassing hotness! Like, here, take a look at this:
SNAP. And here, wait, wait...
You see how I did that? Just when you were probably expecting a picture of Ryan
or something, that's when I hit you with some Ohad. I guess you didn't realize
just how loco I am. And, oh, oh, wait...
Plazoom! There you go. Alright, ENOUGH.
I'm not exactly sure what b4-4 have been up to lately. It's not like I KNOW THEM PERSONALLY or anything. I DO know they played at the Fashion Rock Holiday Fest, because I was there, because I rule. They've played other Fashion Rock (now known as Talent Rock) events too.
Click here for a bunch of links to other awesome b4-4 sites. And here's a page about Louis J. Pearlman.