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Celebrate Diversity Day - 1st August 2004



Ideas For Badges

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The Original Celebrate Diversity Day Email

Here is the original email that I sent out at the end of June 2004. If you would like to join in with Celebrate Diversity Day please send the email to everyone in your address book, and don't forget to wear your badge on 1st August 2004!

Dear All

This is a message that originally came from me, Linda Western. You might be surprised to get this email, but indiscrimination is part of the deal. I have sent it to everyone in my address book, and others will have sent it on from there. Here goes.

It seems that the world at the moment is full of hatred and mistrust. People are often ignorant about others' cultures and faiths, and this ignorance can lead to fear and hostility. It is easy enough, when you see yourself at a disadvantage, to blame others; and even easier to ascribe the source of your problems to people who are different from you.

This, at any rate, is the situation reflected by much of the world's media; and it makes for very depressing reading/viewing.

Yet there are many of us in the world who enjoy the fact that we're all different. We like meeting people from other countries, or people of different faiths or none. We are eager to learn about each other, and work together in this global village of ours. We find it increasingly frustrating that our voice appears not to be heard among the screaming headlines reporting intolerance and prejudice.

This morning on the radio I heard about an initiative in Bradford, where people of different faiths wore a 'rainbow ribbon' as an indication that they were accepting and welcoming of other beliefs. It occurred to me that we could borrow this idea. Here's how it could work:

Let 1 August be 'Celebrate Diversity Day'. If you want to participate, wear a round badge (make it yourself) coloured in many different colours. The roundness represents the world, and the different colours represent diversity. (If you wanted to take it further, you could put a 'CD' in the middle, or the equivalent in your own language, but this is an optional extra!)

When you are wearing your badge, two things might happen. People might ask you about it - so you could tell them. Or you might see someone else wearing a badge - in which case, go up and talk to them. Nothing heavy; just making contact; but who knows where it might lead?

Mark 1 August in your diary NOW so you don't forget.

But before 1 August, and as soon as possible, forward this email to everyone in *your* address book too, preferably with some endorsement from you. Let's see just how powerful this internet can be. Are there really only 6 degrees of separation? Please could everyone forwarding the email copy me in at this address ( so I can see how things are going. I’ll try to respond to everyone I hear from.

Log on to the website: – to see how things are going. Send me any ideas, news etc for me to feature on the website.

After the day, if you’ve time, let me know how you got on!

This won't solve all the world's problems. You might think its a crackpot idea. But its easy; its fun; and it might start a ball rolling.

Vive la difference!

