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On Wednesday March 12, 2003, allegations surfaced that Don Johnson was involved in illegal actions, that included money-laundering and possible mafia connections. The German-based tabloid BZ reported that Don Johnson was stopped at the Swiss/German border with share certificates, cheques, bonds and credit notes in his car. To report news like this is something that ONLY the tabloids are capable of...and the media jumped into the frenzy like a pack of hungry lions, picking away at the carcass...and unfortunately it left ONE man trying to protect his family...and his LIFE!

Don Johnson is a man who has family values...he's a man that tries to help people whenever and wherever it's needed...he's a man who is honest...he's a man who's strong...he's a man with heart...he's a man who has feelings, just like you and me. And when people attack your honesty and your heart, it hurts very much. And if anyone associated with the tabloids OR the media think that Don Johnson is above being hurt by bogus accusations and lies, just because he's an actor in Hollywood, then please step back and take a look at yourself and think about how people in YOUR life have hurt YOU.

Don, please know that ALL of your TRUE FANS are standing by you...we'll ALWAYS be here! You're an absolutely amazing man. You have many beautiful gifts that you must NEVER give up! We, your fans, appreciate your work and everything that you do and ALWAYS look forward to seeing you involved with your next project. In one way or another, you have been an inspiration and comfort to ALL of us. You will make it through this...YOUR true fans are completely confident of this. You have overcome diversity your whole life, and you WILL overcome this! There aren't many actors that can say they have the most TRUE and LOYAL fans around...except YOU! YOU ARE, WITHOUT A DOUBT, THE BEST THERE IS, THE BEST THERE WAS AND THE BEST THERE EVER WILL BE!!!

Love,Best Wishes and continued Success from

The Associated Press
Wednesday, May 7, 2003;

BERLIN - Former "Miami Vice" and "Nash Bridges" star Don Johnson faces NO action by German authorities over documents found in his car that listed transactions totaling $8 billion, but were found to belong to someone else, a customs official said Wednesday.

"An examination has shown that no offense was committed from a German point of view," said Leonhard Biel, a spokesman for German customs investigators.

Johnson's car was stopped for a routine check as he entered Germany from Switzerland last November with two other men. Officials photocopied the documents, but they did not seize them and allowed Johnson to continue his journey without formally questioning him.

Johnson has said the bank statements weren't his and has strongly denied any wrongdoing. Investigators determined that the documents belonged to another person who had remained in Switzerland, Biel said. He declined to identify the owner.

German authorities never launched a formal investigation and now consider the matter closed, he said. U.S. authorities have been informed of the listed transactions in view of the sums involved. German customs officials regularly carry out checks on the border with Switzerland, which unlike Germany is not a member of the European Union and is renowned for its strict bank secrecy laws.

© 2003 The Associated Press

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*The letter on this page was written by DJ fan Tina on behalf of all the members of For Don Johnson Fans only and The French Don Johnson Forum and may not be copied or used on other DJ sites,groups or forums.

*The support banner and DJ wallpaper were both made by bubba Jessica.The capture of Don was made by Lucy and ALL of the above MAY NOT be copied,altered or used on other DJ sites,groups or forums.

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