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In The La-La-Land of.....
Christien Anholt

Christien Land Opened:  March 10th 2002
Christien Land Updated:  July 31st 2007

You're the:

My name is: JediMaeve and I am your WebMistress......have fun in La-la-land:)

My other site: RHA (Relic Hunter Archives)

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 Also, beware of HOT items;)
Disclaimer: This site is no way endorsed by Christien Anholt/his Agent/or his family.
It is also not here to cause harm to Mr. Anholt/his Agent/or his family.
It is just a fansite devoted to a hot young actor that I like.
I don't have his personal address/email/phone #.  
I have only spoken to Mr. Anholt once and have not since.
Thanks and enjoy your time in La-La-Land!!!

JediMaeve your WebMistress:)