This was taken from People emailed Jason question and he answered them like this:

Q:Hey Jason! My question is about your home. I know everyone says Hawaii is so great and I've never been there but I wish to go. Do you ever get bored of all the Hawaiian things? The heat? Does it ever get old? Thank you. By the way you are so hot!
Heidi, GA

A: Thank you, for calling me hot Heidi! Even though it's beautiful and my family is here, I do get bored with Hawaii. I love it to death, but I was raised in Iowa, in cold weather and seasons. After a while, it gets a little boring, but it has a lot of things I love to do like climbing, mountain climbing, mountain biking. But, it's only five months a year shooting here [in Hawaii]. And who is lucky enough to work in Hawaii? It's not something you can really bitch about.

Q: Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

A: Professionally I hope that I will be doing feature films, maybe doing theater work, doing theater like Shakespeare.

Q: Do you think it was fate that got you where you are today? Oh yeah and can you sing? You seem to be able to do everything.
Nicole, Australia A:
I don't know about fate, but it was pretty lucky. I guess I just took the right path. I just try to be spontaneous and just up and go whenever I want to and try to do the right things. I guess I chose right on this one. I don't know if I can sing but I try and I love to sing Elvis. I sing Elvis all the time. That's about the only thing I can sing.

Q: Do you have a girlfriend? If not why?
Marlene, NJ

A: No, I do not have a girlfriend. Why not? I guess, I don't know. I guess I just work all the time. I have a lot of friends. I call up my friends and we hang out.

Q: Do you keep in contact with old friends from school with your busy life?
Visharla, TN

A: Yes, I do. I have a couple of really good buddies and I keep in touch with them. In fact, I had one of my friends come out and live with me for three months out here. I keep my friends and family really close.

Q: What do you like best about working on Baywatch Hawaii?

A: What do I like best? I like Hawaii, I like where I'm shooting. I like the crew and the cast. It's an amazing set, it's just like family working here.

Q: When you were a child did you plan on being where you are today? If not what were your dreams?
Kristin, Toronto,Canada

A: My dream was actually to be a marine biologist. I wanted to study about the ocean, I was very fascinated with the ocean. And I loved movies. Me and my Mom-it was like a thing we did - we used to go watch movies all the time and I always copied 'em and acted out stuff in them but I never wanted to do it. I never thought I could up and move to LA and try it out. I guess it kind of fell in my lap when I moved to Hawaii.

Q: Are you going to do anything besides Baywatch Hawaii?
Yen, Vancouver, BC

A: I hope to. In the whole scheme of things I would love to continue acting.

Q: Will you be doing films any time soon?
Kisha,Vancouver, BC

A: Hopefully in the off-season, I will be able to work on some films.

Q: If you had one wish to fill anyone one of your dreams, which one would you fulfill and why?
Erin, HI

A: To be able to take care of my Mom for the rest of her life. To have a house over her head and totally know that she was set and to know that she could retire perfectly fine. Financially, emotionally, everything together. And that she was close by.

Q: You are the hottest! Would you ever date one of your fans?

A: I don't know, never tried it before.

Q: Jason, what makes you laugh and where are you ticklish?
Cari, CA

A: Everything makes me laugh, I'm always laughing. Jason Brooks [Sean Monroe] makes me laugh, Tom Arnold makes me laugh. Where am I ticklish? That's super top secret. If I told you, my Mom would kick my butt.

Q: What were you taking at school, and are you planning on continuing your studies (ever)?
Adriana, MT

A: Yeah, I'm going to continue my studies, but I'm going to change it up to drama or theater. While I was in school I studied Marine Biology. I was a big biology major. I love the outdoors, wildlife and biology, environmental studies and stuff like that. But I probably won't continue that.

Q: What do you think of female actresses like Sarah Michelle Gellar and Jennifer Love Hewitt? Would you want to make a movie with them?
Andrea, MD

A: I think that they're great, but I have a couple of favorites that I would choose first over those two, like Natalie Portman.

Q: Hey, do you find it hard to go out because you get noticed everywhere?

A: I do get noticed a lot, especially in Hawaii. But it's not that bad. It's fun to meet new people.

Q: Okay, This one is about girls. What is your age limit and does it matter what race a girl is for you to be interested in her.

A: My age limit? Probably being legal, that would be the age limit. What is the age limit anyway? Eighteen? Oh, probably around 18 or 19 at the youngest. But no, race doesn't matter. Girls of all races are beautiful, so it doesn't matter to me.

Q: Jason, do you consider yourself a sex symbol?

A: I hope not. I'd like to move away from that. But if that's all I've got going for me then I guess that's what I am.

Q: Where do you currently live???

A: I live out of my backpack, on the back of my Harley, Priscilla.

Q: I've noticed that you don't have any tattoos, but would you consider getting one in the future?

A: Yeah, I actually wanted one in the beginning before I got Baywatch. I wanted a tribal thing of my family, my family roots traced back. It's like a Hawaiian tattoo that goes on your arm and chest. Eventually, I will have one, but not now.

Q: Jason, do you do all your own stunts on Baywatch?

A: Yes, but lately no, I injured my ear and can't do any underwater stunts for the next couple of weeks, because I blew an eardrum. But otherwise, yeah, I love to do my own stunts. We've got some climbing scenes coming up and I can't wait to do them.

Q: How old where you when you started on Baywatch Hawaii??

A: Nineteen.

Q: Hi! was it a big adjustment from the small Norwalk town to the big cities in Hawaii?
Kala, CA

A: Extremely, but not really Hawaii. But jumping in from bussing tables at small restaurants in Colorado, where I was in school to acting is a big jump.

Q: Jason, since you're so young and attractive, okay well very very attractive, what characteristics do you look for in a girl? And if anything what not? And as I know many girls like me would like to know if you are currently seeing anyone and are interested in.(any specific ages?) from your #1 crazed fan I love you!!!!

A: Personality goes along way. Humor, is a major quality I look for in a woman. Just uh, nice girls. I like to go out and have a good time and learn things about them. Just doing outdoorsy things. I like a girl who's natural, a natural beauty. Mostly personality. It makes the girl sing, sing as in, the person just glows.

Q: When you're working on Baywatch Hawaii do you get nervous when you're near Kekoa and the rest of the girls? Did you or do you have feelings for any of them?

A: No, Stacy is like my sister. We did this whole thing together. I love her so much, she's pretty much blood by now. Not really. When I started out this new season, I was a little nervous about meeting the new girls, but I wanted to feel comfortable, to be able to hang out with them. But everyone's family.

See the rest here: Teen Mag Fandamonium