This was taken from Teen Magazine. Thanks to Sophia for the article.

Jason's a newcomer to the spotlight and definitly one to watch.He play's Jason, one of the lead cast members,on Baywatch Hawaii. Even Jason admits he's a lucky guy and not just because he spends his days tanning in the Pacific Sun. "I never did the struggling actor thing,never did drama in high school.I never read plays,but now i can't get enough of it."

Jason always knew he would spend his days by the ocean,but he thought he would be studying it,not frolicking in it(the surfer dude planned on being a marine biologist).So,just how did this Hawaiian hottie end up being in the camera? "I went to hawaii to hang out with my father and uncle(famed surfer named Brian Keaulana)on the set off the film,"In God's Hand" when I met my managers". The managers sent him off to do runway modeling for Louis Vuitton, but had him back in Hawaii when Baywatch came to town."I kept trying out for a month and then got the job the day I was supposed to leave."

After spending a year in the Hollywood limelight,introspective Jason needed a break from his newfound fame."In my off season, my managers took me to Tibet."The trip was quite meaningfull for the actor,who happens to be studying Buddhism,a philosophy fo which he has the utmost respect."Tibet is serene,amazing the people are so beautiful .They have nothing(materially)and they're so happy--it kinda outs everything in the check.It was a great experience,probably my best life experience.Next on his travel calender is a trip to the Swiss Alps and then he's off to France for what he refers to as "the Mecca of climbing" followed by spending time with his Mom in Paris.

Although he's taken for the moment, Jason does have opinions about what makes a girl shine .What quality does he find irresistable? "Honesty,humor and spontaneity". An ideal date for Mr. Washboard Abs is, "to go to a nice dinner,have a good conversation and maybe go to a movie."

In addition to surfing ,kayaking, snowboarding and camping, Jason's obsessed with dangerous sports. "I went to Canada to do some mountaineering and discoverd ice climbing". Always up for a challenge, he's quite confident about his new passion saying that he likes the fact it's a "real mental game".

This isn't Jason's first experience with Teen Magazine."When I was thirteen, a girl in my neighborhood sent my picture to Teen for their guy of the year contest."Surprise! Jason was picked and profiled in the magazine."I got beat up through high school because of that," recalled Jason.