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The Webmaster would like to take the time to thank some people who've helped along the way with *-*Jason Wiles: Underground Goods*-*, and give credit for pictures and other miscellaneous items used on the site.

***NYPDBosco- Thank you for so many amazing screen caps, your ideas, and your help with HTML. Someday I hope to have a site that looks as good as! Thanks for all your help. ***

***Rae- My Partner-In-Crime! (The Underground Goods crimes!) Thank you for all your help with the HTML! If it wasn't for you, my links page would be one big link! :) Hail to the founders of the Third Watch Crew! :)

***Jess- Thank you for all of your ideas for this site! "Fidelis ad mortem"!

***Amber- Another one of my Partners-In-Crime! Thank you for all your help with HTML, as well as the awesome banner for my site! You totally rock!

***Carye- Thank you so much for the interview and the pictures! The information was very helpful.

***A Certain Crew Member by the name of Pat!- *And by Crew, I'm talking the REAL THIRD WATCH CREW!* Thank you for sharing the picture of you and JW!


***Thank you to all of the Jason Wiles websites and fans for the use of their pictures and/or wallpapers and information! I appreciate it a lot!