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Erin Brockovich, The Mexican,
and America's Sweethearts

Read the reviews, looking at the ratings, and rate the films you have seen. Enjoy!

America's Sweethearts

KatKueen has rated America's Sweethearts as a very good film. In this film, Julia Roberts plays a character named Kiki, an assisstant to an actress played by Catherine Zeta-Jones. This is a romantic comedy about true love, happily ever after, and other Hollywood endings. Watch this movie for a good laugh.
Directed By: Joe Roth.
Written By: Billy Crystal and Peter Tolan.
Rated: PG-13.
Co-Stars: Catherine Zeta-Jones, John Cusack, and Billy Crystal.
A Columbia Pictures Film

The Mexican

KatKueen has rated The Mexican as a very good film. The Mexican is an action-packed drama, with some comedy here and there. Julia Roberts plays the girlfriend, Samantha, of Jerry, played by Brad Pitt. Pitt's character has to take a trip to Mexico to pick up a gun for his mob boss. Samantha gets kid napped and Jerry has to find a way to get her back and get the gun to the mob boss. This is a great movie to watch with everyone.
Directed By: Gore Verbinski.
Written By: J.H. Wyman.
Film Rated: R.
Co-Stars: Brad Pitt and James Gandolfini.
A DreamWorks Picture.

Erin Brockovich

KatKueen has rated Erin Brockovich as an excellent film. This is Julia Roberts' best performance ever. Erin Brockovich is based on a true story. She plays a fiesty, young mother that is trying to support herself and her three children. After being hired at a law firm, Roberts stumbles upon a monumental law case against a giant corporation. This opens up a door to a new life for her. You have to see this film.
Directed By: Steven Soderbergh.
Written By: Susannah Grant.
Rated: R.
Co-Stars: Albert Finney and Aaron Eckhart.
A Universal Picture.