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..::Nathan Web Ring::..

..::Nathan Web Ring::..
..::Support Nathan On The Web::..

If you have a website that has anything to do with Nathan Lane, join the ring and help keep the sites circulating on the web. All sites that mention him are welcome to join the ring, but offensive sites (racism, hatred, etc.) will not be permitted to join.

Please save the following two images to YOUR server and do not steal bandwidth from this site by directly linking to the photos, or you'll have an ugly Angelfire logo on your ring banner. Here are the images you have to save:

Nathan Ring Left Nathan Ring Right

Visit the Nathan Lane ring page to join and get your banner code to put on your site. Your site will NOT be added until you have the ring banner correctly placed on your site. You must edit a few of the sections in the code, but it's very simple. If you need any help, just eMail Lisa and I'll help you figure it out. Click Nathan's face below to begin the submission process.

Nathan Lane Ring Submission

A Bar!


Last Updated: 02 July 2002.
Copyright © 2002, Lisa/Annica Inc.
All Rights Reserved.