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High-Octane DVDs


A Slight Case of Murder

From a novel by Donald E. Westlake. Starring William H. Macy, Adam Arkin, Felicity Huffman, James Cromwell, Julia Campbell, Paul Mazursky...

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Pure entertainment! Nia Vardalos has done a great job writing and acting in this movie. This is one wedding you don't want to miss.

Mission to Mars

Superb movie by director Brian De Palma about the first manned mission to Mars. Starring Kim Delaney, Tim Robbins, Connie Nielsen , Gary Sinise, Jerry O'Connell...

Donnie Darko

Obsessed with the science of time travel and acutely aware of the world around him, Donnie is isolated by his powers of analysis and the apocalyptic visions that no one else seems to share.

Avec Donnie Darko, premier long métrage réalisé à 23 ans, Richard Kelly établit déjà les bases d’une carrière que l’on souhaite prolifique, tant ce film est impressionnant.

Friends: Third Season

Friends: First Season

Friends: Second Season


Angel: The Complete First Season [6 Discs]

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Complete First Season [3 Discs]

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Complete Second Season [6 Discs]

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Complete Third Season [6 Discs]


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

About A Boy

A humorous, touching and honest film in which Hugh Grant delivers his most complex and thoughtful performance.

8 Femmes

The Bourne Identity

Fast paced action movie freely adapted from Robert Ludlum's 1980 bestseller. With Matt Damon and German star Franka Potente.

Led Zeppelin: DVD

The mother lode of live Led Zeppelin.


M. Night Shyamalan has given us a very astute look into the human psyche and, in particular, one man's struggle to walk through the chaos and confusion and emerge from the other side reborn, as it were, from the ashes. And along the way, just for kicks, he has thrown in some great humor and enough thrills and chills to satisfy the thrill seekers in all of us. A great movie!

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 Spin worthy (CDs)

 21st Century Horizon (Books / Livres)

           My Little Canadian Shop (the start spot)

                                                        ... et toutes les filles: les chanteuses des Sixties   >>>>

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franc'O'brain & Transputer Qasar - (C) Third Millennium