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Ok Finally I have the links up again. Hope you enjoy them.                                                           next



These Are the newest pictures from Seattle and Portland. The show included five singers at each place.. Nhu Loan, Son Tuyen, Manh Quynh, Phi Nhung, Trizzie, Bang Kieu, Steven Mai, and Tien Dung

By The Way... The Cig that Nhu Loan is holding.. is not hers.. She doesn't smoke.. it's Bang Kieu. If shesmokes she wouldn't have the vvoice that she has...


    Date: 02/10/02  Stateline Casino (Nevada)  Group: Tu Quyen, Nhu Loan, Phi Nhung,and Steven Mai  

1. Nhu Loan  and Nguyen Hung 

  2. Just Nhu Loan singing,,,again

3. Nhu Loan and Phi Nhung



  Date: 09/30/01  Mystic Lake Casino(Minnesota)

 1. Me, Shayla and Steven Mai

2. Me and Manh Quynh

 3. Just Nhu Loan singing hìhìhì

Dated: 08/25/01 (SHOPPING)

1. Thien Kim, Nhu Quynh, chi Diem Phuc and Nhu Loan

 2. Co Khanh Ly, and all of those above.

Dated: 11/22/01     With Manh Quynh, Thanh Truc, Steven Mai,and Me.