Wendy "Josie" Lawrence


Born June 6th, 1959, in Old Hill, Dudley, West Mills, England

Height:  5'10"

Marital Status:  Single

Josie was born as Wendy Lawrence. She has two older sibling twins, a brother and sister, and loving parents.

During her school days she enjoyed such things as pretending she was the Pied Piper and making all the boys/rats follow her off the cliff...playing a gravedigger in Hamlet, playing the recorder badly, failing Maths and the rest of the usual normal(ish) things people do.

After finishing secondary school with 7 O-levels, college with 3 A-levels (English, Art and General Studies) and one OA level (Drama - with a result high enough to count as an actual A-level), she headed off to Dartington University where she came away with a BA HONS degree in Theatre.

Soon after she moved to London, fly-posting inbetween small jobs, cabaret and getting her Equity card and changing her name to Josie (after her Aunt). While having a bad-perm day (her hair was falling out), she met a hairdresser called Michelle and they've been best friends since (she cut the cord at Michelle's daughters birth - and I'm betting it's Michelle who does all those wonderful hairstyles!)

In due time she ended up joining a small band of improvisors on stage at the Comedy Store on Wednesday nights inbetween bit parts on tv, theatre and radio. Being paid in beer and a cut from the sales (practically nothing at first) she co-founded The Comedy Store Players and found her way onto the pilot of Whose Line Is It Anyway?