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Your Sisters & Friends
Caring Women of the World
wished to help celebrate your special day,
with all our good wishes coming your way


 Happy Birthday

These birthday wishes sent to you
are full of wonderful treasures
wish one that life treats you right
with lots and lots of pleasure

Your friends at CW,
wish that your dreams be fulfilled
more so, may you have health
with a bit of wealth thrown in

Not only on your day of birth
but throughout your life
may you always find happiness
and live your life without strife
-=|=- Ven -=|=-

©Caring Women of the World
Graphics SCM April 2005
Made exlusively for CWOTW 
Do Not Remove these graphics
©Poetry: ~Ven~
©Snowglobes: Chey, Astrid, Icemaid

Graphic Gifts from Members in Guestbook
1024x768 resolution