
This page was scrapped together so my team can access the Halo maps I made.
So it will look like crap until I decide that I want more than 8 people to see it.

The Original Maps are Copyrighted to the Official Halo tips page, Truth and Reconcilliation, who does a good job considering it is an official page. For team games, communication is important. In order to increase location description effiency, I have given names to the landmarks in the levels, as best I could.



Halo Team Shirts

I designed these shirts for my friends. They are posted for initial review :^).

Halo Team Shirt, front

Jon's Back

James' Back

Jacob's Back

Daniel's Back

I think I like this one better.

I have found the following interesting news items out: Spawn Zones can be blocked by people hence "Waiting for Space" and Spawnzones can be blocked by vehicles. Are you tired of your enemy spawning in the Sniper Den and the Bridge? Park a truck up there, and you don't need to worry about being taken from behind.