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Beyblade Stats
# Series Anime Series Manga Series
1 Spin Dragoon
2 Ultimate Saizo
3 Ultimate Frostic Dranzer
4 Gekiryu-Oh
5 Megaro Arm
6 Spark Knight
7 Polta
8 Bistool
9 Makendo
15 Bakushin-Oh
16 Bump King
17 Grip Attacker
18 Bearing Stinger
22 Bound Attacker
23 Bound Defencer
25 Roller Attacker
26 Roller Defencer
27 Auto Change Balancer
30 Wing Attacker
31 Wing Defencer
32 Draciel MBD
33 Sparkling Attacker
34 Dragoon S
35 Driger S
36 Death Driger
39 Knight Dranzer
40 Metal Draciel
47 Kid Dragoon
48 Kid Draciel
A-1 Dragoon S (Anime Version)
A-2 Dranzer S
A-3 Galeon
A-9 Galzzly
A-10 Galman
A-11 Wolborg
A-12 Seaborg
A-14 Draciel S
A-17 Trygle
A-18 Trypio
A-24 Driger F
A-25 Dragoon F
A-27 Dranzer F
A-28 Griffolyon
A-31 Master Dragoon
A-32 Master Dranzer
A-33 Master Draciel
A-34 Salamalyon
A-35 Draciel F
A-36 Wyborg
A-37 Master Driger
A-39 Wolborg 2
A-40 Seaborg 2
A-41 Dragoon V
A-42 Metal Dranzer
A-47 Flash Leopard
A-53 Driger V
A-54 Flash Leopard 2
A-56 Dranzer V
A-64 Cyber Dragoon
A-67 Draciel V
A-69 Dragoon V2
A-75 Driger V2
A-77 Voltaic Ape
A-78 Gaia Dragoon V
A-81 Dranzer V2
A-82 Burning Kerberous
A-85 Draciel V2
A-89 Dragoon G
A-94 Driger G
A-95 Metal Driger
A-98 Rock Bison
A-99 Dranzer G
A-100 Wolborg 4
A-104 Draciel G
A-108 Gaia Dragoon G
A-109 Flame Pegasus
A-112 Dragoon GT
A-117 Dranzer GT
A-123 Gaia Dragoon MS
A-124 Driger MS
A-125 Draciel MS
A-126 Dragoon MS
A-127 Gigars
A-129 Zeus
A-131 Dranzer MS
MA-01 Dragoon MS UV
MA-04 Death Gargoyle MS