version=11; class Mission { addOns[]= { "BMP2", "bis_resistance" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "BMP2" }; randomSeed=14596611; class Intel { }; class Groups { items=6; class Item0 { side="EAST"; class Vehicles { items=4; class Item0 { position[]={7183.997559,123.892258,2408.357910}; id=0; side="EAST"; vehicle="BMP2"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; }; class Item1 { position[]={7181.291992,123.974998,2345.056152}; id=3; side="EAST"; vehicle="BMP2"; skill=0.600000; }; class Item2 { position[]={7181.291992,123.974998,2366.156738}; id=2; side="EAST"; vehicle="BMP2"; skill=0.600000; }; class Item3 { position[]={7181.832031,123.974998,2389.961914}; id=1; side="EAST"; vehicle="BMP2"; skill=0.600000; }; }; class Waypoints { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={7104.914063,113.314369,2997.660645}; combatMode="BLUE"; formation="COLUMN"; speed="NORMAL"; combat="CARELESS"; class Effects { }; showWP="NEVER"; }; }; }; class Item1 { side="WEST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={7282.041016,166.022537,2741.538330}; azimut=265.000000; id=4; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWSaboteurPipe"; player="PLAYER COMMANDER"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; }; }; class Waypoints { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={7206.350586,156.270950,2727.737305}; description="Blow Up Tanks"; expActiv="text1=true"; class Effects { titleType="TEXT"; title="Use the radio (0-0-x) to determine which bomb to detonate at your choice of time."; }; showWP="NEVER"; }; }; }; class Item2 { side="LOGIC"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={7130.413086,138.546783,2813.522949}; id=11; side="LOGIC"; vehicle="Logic"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; text="logic3"; }; }; }; class Item3 { side="LOGIC"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={7126.502930,124.444397,2880.483887}; id=12; side="LOGIC"; vehicle="Logic"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; text="logic4"; }; }; }; class Item4 { side="LOGIC"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={7135.250000,145.214661,2744.245117}; id=10; side="LOGIC"; vehicle="Logic"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; text="logic2"; }; }; }; class Item5 { side="LOGIC"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={7143.500488,142.707932,2687.902100}; id=9; side="LOGIC"; vehicle="Logic"; leader=1; skill=0.600000; text="logic1"; }; }; }; }; class Vehicles { items=4; class Item0 { position[]={7144.384277,143.072998,2689.739258}; id=5; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="ReammoBoxWest"; skill=0.600000; }; class Item1 { position[]={7135.145996,145.369934,2746.715332}; id=6; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="ReammoBoxWest"; skill=0.600000; }; class Item2 { position[]={7130.329590,138.285858,2814.807129}; id=7; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="ReammoBoxWest"; skill=0.600000; }; class Item3 { position[]={7126.203613,124.218826,2881.522461}; id=8; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="ReammoBoxWest"; skill=0.600000; }; }; class Sensors { items=6; class Item0 { position[]={7174.983398,151.610870,2734.217773}; a=0.000000; b=0.000000; timeoutMin=6.000000; timeoutMid=6.000000; timeoutMax=6.000000; age="UNKNOWN"; text="text1"; expCond="text1"; class Effects { titleType="TEXT"; titleEffect="PLAIN DOWN"; title="The bombs are represented by the ammo crates. Bomb 1 is on the left, and the rest follow in chronological fashion"; }; }; class Item1 { position[]={7209.719727,148.691467,2682.796387}; a=100000000.000000; b=10000000000.000000; activationBy="ALPHA"; age="UNKNOWN"; expActiv="explo01 = ""laserguidedbomb"" camcreate [getpos logic1 select 0, getpos logic1 select 1, getpos logic1 select 2]"; class Effects { }; }; class Item2 { position[]={7251.014648,151.498840,2684.969971}; a=1000000000.000000; b=100000000.000000; activationBy="BRAVO"; age="UNKNOWN"; expActiv="explo01 = ""bomb"" camcreate [getpos logic2 select 0, getpos logic2 select 1, getpos logic2 select 2]"; class Effects { }; }; class Item3 { position[]={7244.494629,154.511749,2700.183838}; a=1000000000.000000; b=999999995904.000000; activationBy="CHARLIE"; age="UNKNOWN"; expActiv="explo01 = ""bomb"" camcreate [getpos logic3 select 0, getpos logic3 select 1, getpos logic3 select 2]"; class Effects { }; }; class Item4 { position[]={7227.106445,154.546799,2707.790283}; a=999999995904.000000; b=999999995904.000000; activationBy="DELTA"; age="UNKNOWN"; expActiv="explo01 = ""bomb"" camcreate [getpos logic4 select 0, getpos logic4 select 1, getpos logic4 select 2]"; class Effects { }; }; class Item5 { position[]={7266.405273,168.751144,2755.013184}; activationBy="ANY"; age="UNKNOWN"; expActiv="1 setRadioMsg ""Detonate Bomb One"";2 setRadioMsg ""Detonate Bomb Two"";3 setRadioMsg ""Detonate Bomb Three"";4 setRadioMsg ""Detonate Bomb Four"""; class Effects { }; }; }; }; class Intro { randomSeed=760323; class Intel { }; }; class OutroWin { randomSeed=3790339; class Intel { }; }; class OutroLoose { randomSeed=2008067; class Intel { }; };