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UPDATED!! July 9th, 2002

Changed the layout...just trying something new....added new link to clan site

Haven't had much chance to do any mapping lately..  been doing a lot of work for the clan lately.

Great White North Clan:

[GWN]Doug Mckenzie

[GWN]Bob Mckenzie

New Website up, It's our clan site so check it out @



Latest News

09/01/02 - Starting on a new map, this will be a humor map...wait and see

08/24/02 - New  layout for  the site...

08/24/02 - Clan site up and running...




   Doctors beat Infensus 3-1 on MP_Ice to win the Championship. Congratulations Guys!



I had to add these here...couldn't help it they are just tooo cute! go here.