Other snowmobiling pics

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So today was my last chance to ride before I go back to school on Monday so I figured I had better get my ass up to VT and do a little riding. Ride was good but cut short because my little cousin was not having fun and we had to turn around after only 20 miles maybe. Anyways I was there with the camera and snapped a few for you guys to see. Also about that cemetery and house in the woods well since we went by I had to take pictures so now you will know what I am talking about.

My new favorite pic of my sled. I buried it and figured a pic was in order.

Here is the cemetery. Jewell cemetery is its name.

And here is that cool camp buried up in the woods.

Here is the proof that I do have family and we do ride together lol. (Left to right)My dad, my cousin Emily, my Uncle Mark, my sister Erica, and me.

How to fix two broken sleds!

Well I didnt take too many pics of mine because it only took about a half hour to put in the new springs. The problem was with my dad's new shock. Check out the comparison

Old(left) vs. New(right)

This is what the sled looked like when we started. Can you tell it needs some work?

After we had a break from the fun with dad's sled, we did mine. Then we came back and take a look, no better than before :(

Dad lighting the portable heater so we dont freeze our hands off, and since we were out there for about 8 hours we needed the heat.

After we put a few bolts in we tried dropping it. As you can see its still a long way from done. But it would make a nice drag sled :)

This is the only pic I took of anything related to my sled. Check out the old springs. The one on the bottom is broken as you can see but check out the rust. That is probably why it broke. Now the sled rides real nice with the new ones in :)

Since I didnt take any pics during the reconstruction process I would like to put this pic up, its actually sitting up properly and when I get on it doenst even go down a fraction of an inch. Definitely the way it should be.

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