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Antonio Sifuentes Photography & Anime

I missed it again, next years ACen is first on my list this time.





Back on MySpace.  I decided to go back to MySpace today, click here to goto my MySpace Site and also I have a TagWorld site too.

Let me introduce myself for those who do not know me (most people). I am Antonio Sifuentes (a.k.a. ASi2577). I am a photographer, AMV creator, Anime lover, Computer Geek, Photo Lab Specialist, Computer Salesman, on and on and on. I know my nickname is weird but I have had that name for over 10 year (thanks to AOL auto naming) I keep it because it sticks out a little more (hey look, a weird nickname :) ).

I was a finalist in the "Photographer's Forum Magazine 18th Annual Student Photography Contest" & have 2 pictures published in the book "Endless Journeys" Release Date: 09/30/2004

As you see above (Amy and Tails), the first cartoon character I really was into was Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic CD was my favorite. I drew this picture from one of the Sonic X cartoons on TV. Some people at ACen who got my photographer biz card may have seen this (I didn't draw the other ones, just Amy & Tails). I hope to draw a little more.

Well, like I said in one of the forums, Anime is now turning into my work. It all started with Golgo 13 for me (wish they would make a Live Action Movie of that one). Then the video game of Ranma 1/2 (Which I still have not played, just saw it). But Bubblegum Crisis 2040 is what drove me into watching More and more Anime.

The last 2 years was when I really kicked into Anime fully. My friend told me about how he likes anime and has a lot of titles (mostly Dragon Ball). Then he told me about ACen 2003, so I took off the 3 days to go. When I got there, I was amazed at how many people where there. This was also the same year I made my first AMV for the AMV contest. Didn't win but at least my work was seen.

Now, for next year, I plan to do more photographing then anything else. If you wish to have private cosplay photos taken or other types of photos, E-Mail me at: Subject: Anime Photos You can also see my work at:

PhotoGeeks Photography


Antonio S. Photography

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Updated last on: Sunday July 29, 2007 10:36:13 PM -0400

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