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Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025

scientific research

An Envirotech E.A. LTD investor funded scientific research project - Australia
Laboratory and manufacturing facility located in Enfield, Connecticut

Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 is a forty-six-year private think tank and scientific experimental research project. Founded by the company Envirotech E.A. LTD. in Australia in 1979, the project selected two twelve-year-old students, John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart to study the physics of relativity and to design a mechanical device that could prove those theories by demonstration. The two attended college at Asnuntuck College in Enfield, Connecticut while continuing their research and development. When these students turned eighteen years of age, they had already developed new technologies as the result of working on finding the solution to the physics goal at hand for the project. The works of both John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart include the inventing of the D.A.W.O.L. 2025 Electromagnetic Forcefield Propulsion System which allows their invented device to levitate above ground and water surface in a static self sustained state, and the Polybit computer processing method. When they were both 21 years of age in 1988, the two colleagues published a scientific journal entitled, "Principles of electrostatic forces and energy transference".

Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 is an investor funded private organization based in Australia through Envirotech E.A. LTD administrated by Jackie James, with a laboratory facility located off of Elm Street in Enfield, Connecticut for the development of new technology in the area of quantum energy research.
The research ends in 2025, slated for early 2025 with a successful test of matter acceleration using the mathematics derived within Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025.
The research from Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 yielded new innovations with computer technology and electrostatic energy converting devices.

This website compiles the facts about Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 and the work performed. This site is not for the purpose of marketing the technology developed in Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 or to solicit funds.

All rights reserved for this content and intellectual property rights for the technology herein.

In 1979 the project commenced.

Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 began as a science program for science oriented youth with an above average aptitude in June, 1979. In 1984, Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 gained the attention of investors when the students engineered workable machinery for accelerating solid matter in a vacuum chamber that could test theories in physics. Funded through the Australian organization Envirotech E.A. LTD, Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 became a full fledged scientific research project. Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 is going to be successful in early 2025 with the one-time demonstration of the machinery achieving the goal intended. During the 46-year research project, innovative technology using quantum energy in the area of computer technology and electrostatic maglev devices were also developed.

The project is funded by investors through an Australian company called Envirotech E.A. LTD with Jackie James the acting agent and administrator of Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025. Starting in 2001, Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 began covering the college educations of John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart. The Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 colleagues were inducted into two honor societies for their work while in college; Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society and Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges National Honor Society. John Obik graduated with a 3.5 grade point average and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart with a 3.8 grade point average. Both research colleagues were awarded high honors from Asnuntuck College in Enfield, Connecticut where John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart grew up and live from 1979 to 2025 attending public schools in Enfield, Connecticut. They both graduated with honors and degrees in machine technology.

Innovations in physics that the two colleagues developed gained the attention of the media news, and equations derived by John and Matt Mitch were published in scientific papers that students in Connecticut Universities are using for experimentation.

Sponsor: Envirotech E.A. LTD

Envirotech E.A. LTD - Australia (1979-2025) - Funding source, full college scholarships for the 2 students of Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 (John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart) from ages 12 in 1979 to ages 58 in 2025. Endowment fund for Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 construction and accomplishment in 2025.

Connecticut state colleges and Universities - The 2 students of Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 study and develop technology through state college beginning at ages 37 in 2004. Parts to the Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 Vehicle machined at college machine technology program facilities (2008) and colleges used as resources for research and development for Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 by the 2 Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 student members while they continue traditional attendance of college to acquire their college degrees (2004-2009).

Principles of electrostatic forces and energy transference (1988) ,
authors John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart in 1988 while they were employed at Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 scientific research, explains the physics of extracting energy from matter using John Obik's and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart's engineered technology.

Objective of Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025

The objective of the project is to succeed with an experiment in relativity that will prove out the realities of the universe and in developing a magnetic propulsion system for propelling solid mass in a vacuum chamber that emits no material discharge that would burn up the mass from friction as it rotates at astronomical speeds. A large matter accelerator was designed to spin solid mass (not particles) to astronomical speeds in a friction free centrifuge that was completely vacuumized. The electromagnetic cells which propel the disc also attract impurities out of the vacuum. The friction free environment in the chamber allows the disc to constantly accelerate with time as the propulsion cells are powered. A computer controlled the shifting of the polarity of the cells at each half rotation of the disc. The accelerator self destructs once the mass reaches the highest speed in angular velocity. This one-time use was scheduled to be conducted in early 2025. The successful acceleration will be conducted in early 2025 is what is planned. As the new year 2025 is in, the Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 vehicle carries the two researchers over the epicenter of this centrifuge chamber on a track on the floor above as the accelerator reached top speed, and made observations.

The Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 vehicle:

In Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025, John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart design and make the parts to equipment using robotic CNC machine tools and performed scrutinous aerospace inspection of the parts before assembly. They discovered this method of static levitation by using the repulsive properties of gasses combined with the electromagnetic properties of matter. A computerized system keeps the cycle going and the energy within the matter itself provides the constant force to keep the vehicle in this propelled state. This causes the matter to become extremely cold as the energy is depleted from the gasses in the vehicle's propulsion cells. The heat energy from the surroundings is the 'recharger' for the system that keeps the cells from reaching absolute zero.

A more detailed description of how the process works was documented in John's and Matt Mitch's published findings "Principles of electrostatic forces and energy transference" (1988).

The Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 vehicle is for use in the big project finalization test of 2025. The Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 vehicle is destroyed in order to do the completion of Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 in 2025.

The invention utilizes a magnetic pulse generator controlled by the vehicle's computers that keeps the 3000 amperes moving continuously recycling the same electrons with no ground. Atmospheric ionization systems produce an electromagnetic frequency that is emitted from the cell out into the air to a focal point. This e.m.f. focal point ionizes the air by pushing electrons off the atoms in the air at the focal point and onto neighboring atoms, thus creating two electrically charged air masses, one negative, and one positive. By controlling the position of the focal point behind the cell by the vehicle's computers, the electromagnetism from electrons charges the air. This vehicle is able to hover above ordinary ground surface riding on this ion barrier, using the constant electromagnetism from electrons on a quantum level as the catalyst to interact with the atoms in air/water (Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025).

The energy comes from the matter in the air or water. The magnets in the vehicle are only the static force that draws this energy from the matter in the air, so the power in the vehicle is not lost. The energy in the air/water comes from the heat of the earth, which originated from the sun.

The Polybit Processor

The Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 Vehicle control panels are large super computers in a small package. This is possible because of Matt's and John's polybit processor invention. Their polybit processor treats the entire memory as one byte made up of trillions of bits instead of trillions of bytes made up of 8 bits each. The result is that their polybit processor invention can execute an entire program in one step. The invention accesses data from it's memory by each transistor being linked to each transistor above, below, and beside. The exponential connections of each bit to each other simulates neurological connections and makes extremely fast calculations by means of referencing all applicable data in every direction all at once instead of a step by step sequence. Just as a human brain retrieves data from all relevant areas of memory at one time that relates to a query, the Polybit processor from Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 pulls together all relevant data stored in all parts of it's memory to find a relationship of the data in one step, such as solving a math problem by seeing the relationship at one glance instead of having to follow steps to calculate a problem. This Polybit processor has been noted by professionals in the computer field as possibly being on the right track toward artificial intelligence, with more research development beyond Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025.

Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 data suggests new theory of universe formation

The quantum and magnetic energy research in Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 theorizes that space is the only physical medium the universe is made out of, and that matter is clumps of space left over from the 'big bang' that are semi dense clumps of singularity still intact. In other words, matter is made of space itself and the smallest element of matter is plain space.
All of the energy from stars is the incredible potential energy from space compressed into singularity before the big bang, The energy from stars today is this energy still diffusing.
Other equations developed in Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 by John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart define the mean density of space that explain the speed of light. As a shockwave travels at different speeds through different materials, space too is a medium, the thinnest medium known, therefore the speed of electromagnetic waves through this medium are the fastest traveling waves known. Electromagnetic waves are just shockwaves traveling through space. The equations also conclude that space is not uniform density all throughout the universe as it is thinning out during the expansion of the universe. Therefore, light traveling great distances through these uneven densities behaves like light traveling through uneven density of air; it can bend. It is not the presence of 'dark matter', but only uneven space density.
Because space has density, it too has to be added in to the sum of energy in the universe. (The 'dark matter' is space itself).
The 1965 discovery by Penzias and Wilson, working at Bell Laboratories, showed microwave energy coming from all directions in space. This was attributed to being background radiation from the big bang. Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025's theory of the universe being a void in a solid mass of singularity is supported by this discovery. If the inside wall of the universe is singularity, and these walls are constantly opening up as the universe as a void keeps ripping open, this singularity would be emitting gamma waves, such as black holes, which are close to singularity, do. However, as the inside walls of the universe as a void in the singularity keep moving away from earth as the universe expands, the Doppler Effect would make these waves lower, such as microwaves. Using Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025's theory, the rate the universe is expanding can be measured by the frequency these gamma waves from the singularity wall at the edge of the universe is Dopplered.
Matter moving at the speed of light is compressing space toward singularity, and with matter being made of space itself, and as the space being compressed by the matter moving fast through it nears a higher compression state with matter being clumps of compressed space itself, the matter appears to turn to energy because there becomes no differentiation between the matter and the space. Because the space is compressed much higher in this test, there is indeed a large amount of potential energy in this said compressed space.
The findings from the matter acceleration experiment of January 1, 2011 from Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025, where a 47 foot diameter stainless steel disc was accelerated in the vacuum chamber to astronomical speeds revealed verification of these equations.
As long as space has a density greater than zero, it has potential energy of compression still in it from it's decompression since the big bang when it's compression was at maximum. Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 does not support string theory, however these vibrations in space from every direction as electromagnetic waves is perhaps what physicists were observing. Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025's theories derived by Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and John Obik is that the reason the universe is continually expanding faster without slowing down is because the universe is not an object expanding in a vacuum, but instead a void of thin space forming in a vast singularity space. The expansion of the universe is not slowing down because it is more a 'big rip' of space tearing open in a singularity. With the universe being a hollow in a mass of singularity, the gravity from the inner walls of the singularity surrounding the universe is immense, and Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025's theory reverses the direction of gravity in the universe from the center point of eruption at the big bang to the outer edges. This explains why the universe is not collapsing in on itself from the mass of thinner space in this void in a vast singularity. Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 research has derived equations that support the reason for the expansion, and suggests it is not because of 'dark matter'. Dark matter is physicists trying to explain these forces that can't be explained by conventional big bang theory.
This theory from Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 also explains how the universe started, as the 'big bang' theory breaks down because the trigger for the big bang to start requires time to elapse, and in a singularity state time stands still. Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025's big rip theory explains this as a vast singularity developed a weak stress point in it where the density of the singularity space fell below total singularity that started a rip with time elapsing, forming the universe in this void that continues to rip open inside a vast singularity, and matter is pieces of singularity still floating around within it.
This new theory also explains how physicists determined that the size of the universe was incredibly small at the big bang. If it was a void that formed inside of a singularity, it would explain how it's size started out so small. Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025's space density equations figure that although a large amount of space can be compressed into small space with maximum compression being singularity which is related to the maximum speed light can travel through it which is relevant to time, all the space in the universe compressed to maximum singularity density would not be as small as conventional physics trace the universe size to have been. This can be explained as the universe starting out as a tiny hole in a singularity mass that kept opening up.

Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 colleagues and credentials




Born John Obik on August 31, 1966 in Queensland Australia. John Obik moved to Southington, Connecticut United States in 1978 at age 11 with his parents.
John Obik started classes at Talcott Mountain Science Center in Avon, Connecticut in January 1979 while also starting Southington High School being two years ahead academically. John Obik graduated high school and college in 2009, when it was planned for John to graduate.

A talent scout, Mrs. Jackie James, Acting Agent from Australia based Envirotech E.A. LTD recruited John Obik for Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 in the spring of 1979 after making contact with John at Talcott Mountain Science Center in 1979. John Obik was one of two 12-year-olds chosen for the Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 research grant out of hundreds of adolescents who applied. To qualify, the candidate student had to pass thorough background checks as the selected students chosen for Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 would have high responsibilities for keeping track of expenditures and managing the funds which cover the research costs of the project allocated to them through a trust fund from Envirotech E.A. LTD from 1979 to 2025.
When John Obik was accepted to Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 in the spring of 1979, John Obik withdrew from Southington High School in order to attend Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 which would complete when John Obik is 58 years old. Being a legal resident of Australia, John Obik was able to do this.
Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 provided modest student housing through locally rented rooms in the Enfield, Connecticut and Springfield, Massachusetts areas near the Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 Laboratory location off of Elm Street in Enfield, Connecticut from 1979 to 2025 for John Obik and fellow chosen colleague for Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025. John Obik attended public schools for his traditional education. A dividend for meals and basic amenities for both of the students, 6-month progress report forms and reports for materials acquisitioned to explain what the reason for a purchase was for was supplied to both students. Material acquisitions were usually for test models of vehicles or subassembly components for the main apparatus being constructed for the main thesis of Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025.
John Obik's parents moved back to Australia in the summer of 1980, while John Obik remained in Enfield Connecticut working on Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 with fellow colleague Matthew Mitchel Urquhart.
From 1979 to the completion of Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 slated for early 2025, John Obik lived in the student housing provided by Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025-Envirotech E.A. LTD in the Enfield, Connecticut area near the Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 laboratory, except to live in the student housing at Springfield College 2001-2002, and lived at the University of Massachusetts student housing in the spring of 2003.
John Obik and fellow colleague Matthew Mitchel Urquhart were both accepted to Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts in 2001, and John Obik with colleague Matthew Mitchel Urquhart gave a seminar demonstrating their electrostatic device in 2002 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at Springfield College while taking courses in computer technology at Springfield College which Envirotech E.A. LTD paid for.
In 2003, John Obik was accepted to the University of Massachusetts.

Noted accomplishments from
Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025

John Obik is an engineer, physicist, scientist, and Certified Machinist. He is the co-author of ''Principles of electrostatic forces and energy transference'' (1988)
ISBN: 978-1-4951-0039-0
Along with fellow colleague During his work in Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 (1979-2025, John Obik co-engineered apparatus for testing theories with electrostatic forces and helped to develop technology in this area.

John Obik graduates college completely debt free in 2009 with Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 and Envirotech E.A. LTD paying for John Obik's and fellow colleague Matthew Mitchel Urquhart's college educations in full, inclusive of all costs. John Obik received a degree in machine technology with a Grade Point Average of 3.5, was awarded special recognition for his work in Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025, and inducted into several national and international honor societies between 2006 and 2009.
In October 2015, John Obik takes the knowledge and experience from Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 and his college education which John Obik acquired while working at Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 to begin steps toward acquiring his first employment beyond Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 by getting involved with the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology.




Born Matthew Mitchel Urquhart on September 30, 1966 in Warwick, Rhode Island. Matthew Mitchel Urquhart moved to Southington, Connecticut United States in 1969 at age 2.
Matthew Mitchel Urquhart began elementary school at West Ridge elementary school in Southington, Connecticut in 1971. While at West Ridge, multiple teachers recommended that Matthew Mitchel Urquhart be moved ahead a grade. By 1978, Matthew Mitchel Urquhart was moved ahead a total of 2 grades completely skipping Junior High School. In January 1979, Matthew Mitchel Urquhart started classes at Talcott Mountain Science Center in Avon, Connecticut.
In late 1978, Matthew Mitchel Urquhart lost his parents when Matthew Mitchel was 12. Friends from school let Matthew Mitchel stay with them for the first 6 months of 1979. Then Matthew Mitchel Urquhart moved into the housing provided by Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 in June 1979 in Enfield, Connecticut for the scientific research project along with fellow colleague John Obik. Matthew Mitchel Urquhart attended public schools in Enfield, and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart worked at the Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 Lab also in Enfield, Connecticut.
A talent scout, Mrs. Jackie James, Acting Agent from Australia based Envirotech E.A. LTD recruited Matthew Mitchel Urquhart for Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 in the spring of 1979 after making contact with Matthew Mitchel at Talcott Mountain Science Center in 1979. Matthew Mitchel Urquhart was one of two 12-year-olds chosen for the Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 research grant out of hundreds of adolescents who applied. To qualify, the candidate student had to pass thorough background checks as the selected students chosen for Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 would have high responsibilities for keeping track of expenditures and managing the funds which cover the research costs of the project allocated to them through a trust fund from Envirotech E.A. LTD from 1979 to 2025.
When Matthew Mitchel Urquhart was accepted to Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 in the spring of 1979, Matthew Mitchel Urquhart withdrew from the high school he was to attend, Enfield High School, in order to attend Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 which would complete when Matthew Mitchel Urquhart is 58 years old. Being without parents, Matthew Mitchel Urquhart was able to do this.
Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 provided modest student housing through locally rented rooms in the Enfield, Connecticut and Springfield, Massachusetts areas near the Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 Laboratory location off of Elm Street in Enfield, Connecticut from 1979 to 2025 for Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and fellow chosen colleague for Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025. Matthew Mitchel attended public schools for his traditional education. A dividend for meals and basic amenities for both of the students, 6-month progress report forms and reports for materials acquisitioned to explain what the reason for a purchase was for was supplied to both students. Material acquisitions were usually for test models of vehicles or subassembly components for the main apparatus being constructed for the main thesis of Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025.
The Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 completion site is a location that coincides with what the physics and research data says where it needs to be and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and colleague John Obik perform much work in data collection for this.
Matthew Mitchel Urquhart finished high school through the local college in Matthew Mitchel's hometown of Enfield, Connecticut and was accredited as being a quote, "Roll model student", while also being inducted into the Who's Who National Honor Society (2009). Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 is what brought Matthew Mitchel Urquhart to Enfield, and that is where Matthew Mitchel met his permanent family, all of his friends and went to school. Being two years ahead academically, Matthew Mitchel Urquhart graduated high school earlier than planned, in 2009 through college graduation which was earlier than planned. Matthew Mitchel Urquhart attended advanced high school college courses to finish high school at the college Matthew Mitchel Urquhart would also get his college degree from. Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 had it planned that the two colleagues, Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and John Obik, who left high school in 1979 to participate in Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025, would graduate from both high school and then college near the Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 lab. In 2022 when the project was nearing completion and the work load was lighter, Matthew Mitchel Urquhart was able to begin preparing to land his first employment outside of Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025. Matthew Mitchel Urquhart attended the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology with John Obik in October, 2015 that earned Matthew Mitchel Urquhart certifications for utilizing his experience as an aerospace Computerized Numerical Control and tool maker machinist from Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 and college degree in manufacturing from Asnuntuck College. At the beginning of Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025, high school would have interfered with the project.
Matthew Mitchel Urquhart completed high school through a system of the town of Enfield, Connecticut public schools that links the high schools with Asnuntuck College in Enfield so that advanced high school students can attend college while still in high school, and take classes at Asnuntuck that count toward their high school credits. Matthew Mitchel Urquhart attended high school this way at Asnuntuck as Enfield High School. Matthew Mitchel Urquhart graduated high school and college two years ahead of his class in 2009. It was planned for Matthew Mitchel Urquhart to graduate high school and college in 2011. Matthew Mitchel Urquhart's attendance of high school at Asnuntuck College was that of a typical high school student, including Matthew Mitchel Urquhart attending his prom in December 2007 with his prom date Katheryn, and almost being in his school's yearbook, but after the economic crash of 2008, Matthew Mitchel Urquhart's High School/College Asnuntuck in Enfield, Connecticut was not able to have a yearbook for 2009 due to lack of funds, which was Matthew Mitchel Urquhart's High School and College combined graduating class at Asnuntuck.
From 1980 to 1992, Matthew Mitchel Urquhart spent most of his free time with friends and acquaintances around Springfield, Massachusetts less than 10 miles where Matthew Mitchel lived at the time. From 1992 to 1999 Matthew Mitchel expanded his circle of friends up into the Amherst, Massachusetts area. The Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 Lab, and the high school and college, Asnuntuck, were all close together in Enfield, Connecticut. Matthew Mitchel would attend college in Enfield starting in 2004.
Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and fellow colleague John Obik were both accepted to Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts in 2001, and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart with colleague John Obik gave a seminar demonstrating their electrostatic device in 2002 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at Springfield College while taking courses in computer technology at Springfield College which Envirotech E.A. LTD paid for.
In 2003, Matthew Mitchel Urquhart was accepted to the University of Massachusetts.
In 2010, Matthew Mitchel Urquhart has also been accepted to the University of Connecticut, University of Hartford, Central Connecticut State University and University of New Haven.

Noted accomplishments from
Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025

Matthew Mitchel Urquhart is an engineer, physicist, scientist, and Certified Machinist. He is the co-author of ''Principles of electrostatic forces and energy transference'' (1988).
ISBN: 978-1-4951-0039-0
His work in Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025, (1979-2025), that will succeed in 2025 which is a scientific research project funded by an Australian investment firm is the first major-length work on the study of quantum mechanics and electromagnetic forces which combines generally accepted practices of scientific research with the development of equations with electromagnetism that contributed to the development of innovations. Devices engineered by Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and fellow colleague in Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 demonstrated their findings on public television shows such as "Planet Forward". Matthew M. Urquhart received his degree in machine technology from Asnuntuck College in Enfield, Connecticut, is a member of Phi Theta Kappa international honor society, and received an award by the college when inducted into Who's Who among students in American Colleges and Universities national honor society in 2009 for his work in Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025.
Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities 2009, Randall Reilly publishing, 75th volume (2009), p 628

Matthew Mitchel Urquhart graduates college completely debt free in 2009 with Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 and Envirotech E.A. LTD paying for Matthew Mitchel Urquhart's and fellow colleague John Obik's college educations in full, inclusive of all costs. Matthew Mitchel Urquhart received a degree in machine technology with a 3.8 Grade Point Average, was awarded special recognition for his work in Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025, and inducted into several national and international honor societies between 2006 and 2009.
In October 2015, Matthew Mitchel Urquhart takes the knowledge and experience from Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 and his college education which Matthew Mitchel Urquhart acquired while working at Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 to begin steps toward acquiring certifications from the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technoloy in preparation for gaining his first employment around 2022 in advance of Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025's completion in 2025. Both Matthew Mitchel Urquhart and John Obik home for good as of 2025.


There are only

-85 days 10 hours and 16 minutes left Until

D.A.W.O.L. 2025



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