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Next Game:
Dallas Cowboys
vs. NY Giants
Monday,October 18, 1999 NewYork, 9:00pm @ Giants Stadium

NY Giants vs Dallas Cowboys

(2-3-0) vs (3-1-0)

A Brief History
Cowboys Record vs. Giants: 49-29
Last Time: 16-6
Date: 11-08-98

Dallas - Question marks abound with Jerry Jones' crew. Deion Sanders is out indefinitely, although the team hopes that he can return in early October. Leon Lett, far and away Dallas' best player in the front seven, is out until Nov. 14 due to a drug suspension. But, the "Big Three" - Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith and Michael Irvin - should finally have some help on offense if Rocket Ismail can fill the black hole that has existed at the second wide receiver spot ever since Alvin Harper's departure following the 1994-95 season. Smith has been praising the rebuilt offensive line, which added center Mark Stepnoski, a Cowboy during their Super Bowl years.

Big gains/losses: Dallas - In: Mark Stepnoski, C; Raghib Ismail, WR; Quentin Coryatt, LB; Alonzo Spellman, DE. Out: Nate Newton, G; Clay Shiver, C; Fred Strickland, LB.

Dallas Cowboys

Position Player Injury Prognosis
G Tony Hutson knee IR
CB Kevin Mathis knee Questionable
G Everitt Mciver hamstring Questionable
CB Kevin Smith Back Question
LB Randall Godfrey knee Probable
OL Eric Williams Quadriceps Probable

NY Giants

Position Player Injury Prognosis
DE Hugh Douglas knee Questionable
DE Mike Mamuhla knee Questionable
T Jermane Mayberry hamstring Questionable
C Troy Vincent Qaudricep Questionable
TE Luther Broughton hamstring Probable
QB Koy Detmer back Probable

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Born on: August 29, 1998
Last updated: 03/21/2025 03:42:42
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Week 5 Philadelphia Eagle Fan Site


Eagles 0-4:))
I would Like to Congadulate!!
"ZACH'S" for being a Loyal Eagle Fan for the Philadelphia Eagles.
This site was designed by ZACH, So if you are a Philadelphia Fan I really recommend this site for you, It was very nicely designed.
I also would like to thank ZACH for allowing me to put his Eagle Page on mine.
  1st 2nd 3rd 4th OT TOTAL
Dallas 3 7 0 0 0 10
Philadelphia 0 0 0 6 7 13

Week 1 Washington Redskin Fan Site

Capital Punishment Page

Skins 0-1:))
I would Like to Congadulate!!
"Capital Punishment Page " for being a Loyal Redskin Fan for the Washington Redskins.
This site was designed by Capital Punishment, So if you are a Washington Redskin Fan I really recommend this site for you, It was very nicely designed.
I also would like to thank Capital Punishment for allowing me to put his Redskin Page on mine.
  1st 2nd 3rd 4th OT TOTAL
Dallas 7 7 0 21 6 41
Washington 3 10 22 0 0 35