The Orochi Story...v0.2 Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami are of opposing (family) clans. The Kusanagi clan stood for good and knew the power of the sun, the art of Magatama. The Yagami's are descended from the Hasshaku family, who were allied with the Kusanagi clan. 1800 years ago, they defeated the leader of the Orochi clan, Orochi Yamatano, the embodiment of evil and bringer of doomsday to the human race. With his power sealed away, the end of the world was prevented. However the Hasshaku clan wanted power and pleasure, and so broke legion with the Kusanagis, and allied with the Orochi family in a blood contract. The resulting offspring held the name Yagami. It was hinted that only Iori wanted to fight Kyo, but in '96 Kyo shows that he wants Iori's defeat just as much as Iori wants his. Saishu Kusanagi, Kyo's Father, was defeated by Rugal in '94, brainwashed in '95 *see Logic Problems FAQ*, and then disappeared. After his defeat in '94, Rugal looked for a power to defeat all comers. He came across Goenitz, who broke the seal of the Orochi and released it's power. Of Orochi blood himself, Goenitz recieved the power and when Rugal tried to seize the power from him, Goenitz took out his right eye. But he did give Rugal some power *as a punishment* and it is from the following events we can ascertain that no-one of non Orochi blood can control the power, and even the Orochi bloodline has trouble! Rugal self destructed with an overload of power in '95. In '96 we learn that Goenitz had visited Leona *the same year he killed Kagura's sister* and provoked her to manifest the Orochi within - the blood riot - ... Leona ended up killing her family. Iori gets his first taste of the Blood riot in '96 too, causing the elimination of his own team mates. The Guardian of the Orochi Seal, Chizuru Kagura, organized the '96 tournament to find the strongest capable of defeating Goenitz, so she could seal off the Orochi. In '86 Goenitz had killed Kagura's sister, but he had not counted on her help from beyond the grave, and he was defeated. With the Orochi sealed off, things should have been calm again. However... KOF '97... The New Faces Team enter the Tournament with a hidden agenda- to collect all the aggressive energy contained within the battlefield to break the Orochi Seal and release the power. They sacrifice themselves and the Orochi possesses Chris... Iori and Leona go beserk with blood riot... The General ending sees the Orochi being sealed off for another "ten, a hundred years", to return and test the human race once again. For more info, You can read JG Palanca's General FAQ! The link is on my page! (c) Gunsmith, for writing. all characters are TM SNK (c) SNK