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MUSICAL INTERLUDE: A Conversation with Becca Jackson

Becca, you're a songwriter as well as a singer?
BJ: Yes. And, by the way, I usually compose acappella.

No guitar or piano? Wow... How do you write?
BJ: Usually a chorus of a song will come to me pretty easily, but a lot of times it is a labor of love to finish the rest of the song. "It'll Sneak Up On You" for instance, took about 3 or 4 months to finish and "He Will Build A Bridge" took about 5 or 6 months. Generally, I'll finish the majority of the song within a few days; but I seem to get stuck on a line or so. Then, it's just a matter of patience...waiting for the right line.

How did you pick the songs you recorded on your debut album?
BJ: Well, before I signed my record deal with Word, I made my living singing song demos for songwriters and music publishing companies. So, I was given quite an advantage in finding great songs since I was one of the first people to hear the songs. Out of the ten songs on my record, I had recorded the demos for three of them and had written or co-written four others. Of course, I don't record many demos anymore, so it may be a little harder to find great songs for the next record.

What were some memorable moments during the recording of It'll Sneak Up On You?
BJ: I can't really think of anything specific, but I can say that Chris Harris, my producer, and all the band members kept me in stitches! Everyone had such a good sense of humor, and that made recording the album much more fun.

What were your earliest musical influences?
BJ: I was the fourth of five children, so, needless to say, we did not have money floating around. In fact, my oldest sister, Karen, who is nine years older than I am, was the only one with a stereo. Every day when she would leave for work, she'd tell me not to touch her stereo. Well, being the 12 year old brat sister that I was, I naturally ignored her! I would peek out of the blinds, and, as soon as I saw her drive off, I would start playing records--mostly Bonnie Raitt, Linda Ronstadt, Rita Coolidge, Karla Bonoff, and Jackson Browne. I would listen all day long! It was as if I was starved for music; I couldn't get enough. As you might guess, every day when she came home, my sister would catch me red-handed and scold me! But do you think that deterred me? Of course not!

Whom do you listen to these days?
BJ: I like Cindy Morgan, Phil Driscoll (his most recent album, A Different Man, produced by Chris Harris, is wonderful!), the Newsboys, DC Talk, and Carolyn Arends. I consider myself a true lover of music. However, I don't like rap music or heavy metal.

Okay, besides rap and metal, what bugs you? What's your pet peeve?
BJ: People not leaving a message on my answering machine when they call.

Do you have any annoying habits your husband would like you to kick?
BJ: Randall and I have been married for a little over a year now; and, although it has been mostly been marital bliss, one sore spot is my not putting things back where I got them when I am finished with them. I am working on that!

Do you have any pets?
BJ: Yes! Several months ago, someone dropped off a dog at our house. Well, I immediately fell in love. He is black, gray, and white; and we named him "Red." I never thought I could love an animal like I love him. He is truly Heavensent!

Okay, time for favorites. What's your favorite movie?
BJ: Alfred Hitchcock's "Rear Window."

Any favorite food? Favorite restaurant?
BJ: Chicken fajitas! In McComb, Mississippi I like to eat at The Broadway Deli, and in Nashville, it's the Calypso Cafe.

Describe your typical breakfast.
BJ: Froot Loops and skim milk.

Very healthy! How about a favorite book?
BJ: In His Steps by Charles Sheldon. When Randall, my husband, and I were dating--long distance, I might add--we read this book together. It really makes you examine your motives for the things you do. If you have not read this book, you should.

It is a good book. Speaking of... what is your favorite Bible verse?
BJ: Psalm 143:5-6 is my favorite passage in the Bible: "I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done. I spread out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land." (NIV) These verses really help me whenever I am experiencing doubts and fears. It's very soothing to look back on all the miracles God has brought into my life. It reminds me of how faithful He has been in the past and how faithful He continues to be.

What most inspires you to do what you do in your ministry?
BJ: I think my main inspiration is the fact that God made it so clear to me that this is what He has called me to do. When I first started talking to Word Records about a record deal, I felt so unworthy--like God could never use someone like me. I shared my feelings with my mother, and she told me that God probably couldn't use me if I thought I was good enough. I needed to rely on His ability, not my own. Whenever I have doubts as to whether I can do this or not, I just remind myself that God didn't call me to be perfect or to know it all or to be totally confident always. He calls me to be obedient.

It 'll Sneak Up On You was released by Word Records in 1997 and the Editor of KTCB highly recommends it for your listening pleasure.

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