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Spiritual Emotional Integration
  View difficult life situations as opportunities for spiritual growth
  See how judgments have shaped your perceptions and sabotaged your peace and happiness
  Expand your inner consciousness by uncovering obstacles that conceal your true Self
  Develop the habit of turning toward Higher Guidance to direct your spiritual unfoldment
Dear Seeker of Truth,   

        My loving greetings to you. My name is Yaani. For the past 25 years I have been making yearly pilgrimages to my beloved teacher, Sathya Sai Baba. I have also spent many years embodying the Course in Miracles.   

        Now I am being innerly directed to share what I have gleaned. It is in this spirit that I invite you to actualize your God-given state of happiness and peace, by working with me to remove the blocks that keep you from realizing your divine Self.   

        My work is supported by a non-profit organization and there is no charge to you. All that I ask is that once you are convinced that this kind of inner inquiry will benefit you, you commit yourself to an honest exploration of what has kept you from realizing your Truth. 

                       In Loving Service, 


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