Pokemon Webrings (Love to collect them all)
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Pokemon Webrings

Charmander's Webring This Pokemon Trainers Site
is Owned By
Sailor Comet
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This Pokemon Pikachu Ring site owned by Sailor Comet.

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This The Charizard Pokemon webring site owned by
Sailor Comet.

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The Pokemon Web Ring This site is part of the The Pokemon Web ring.
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E-Mail me Sailor Comet.

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This legendary ring of pokemon site is owned by
Sailor Comet.

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This the Wizard's PokéRing site owned by Sailor Comet
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This site owned by:Sailor Comet

Note To Webmaster/mistresses: If my page does not get added to your webring in by a month.Your webring will be removed.

Oh yeah,Be nice to me too...I like nice webrings w/nice webmaster/mistresses to them.