Here is how it works. Every few months send us ( link below with ) a frequency count, or the number of episodes of sleep paralysis and/or lucid dreams (often, both occur during the same night), with information describing where (what city or town and country) and when (approximate time and exact date) you experienced them. Once a year, you can visit this home page for news of analyses conducted ( based on your log entries and others' ), interpretation and other information we may have at that time.
Our reserch adheres to American Psychological Association principles 9a-9j of ethical standards. For example, your name will not be used in any publication and participation is strictily voluntary. Thank you for your interest and happy dreams.
Jorge Conesa, Ph.D. Social Sciences Dept. Everett Comm. Coll., Everett, WA. 98201 (NEW E-MAIL:
Sleep paralysis symptoms and research:
Sleep paralysis symptoms and other phenomena
Lore and Cross-cultural Terminology Associated with SP
Joseph Polanik's sleep paralysis research
Sleep paralysis and geomagnetism
Other research I
Other research II
(I apologize, but there will be active links to all these in the near future)
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Please, feel free to participate in any of these studies:
Sleep Paralysis Research