Sarah's page of nothing....

Hey there hun

Check out my new page

Welcome to my homepage. I'm having a friend help do this for me because he is really cool...You can check out his web page at if you want to. He has a *really* great homepage. He also makes webpages and custom graphics.

A Memorial Page for my friend, Christopher

Short Stories

Poetry and quotes

Lyrics to some of my favorite songs

About me...

a dedication to the few people I can't live without

Quote of the week:

"Of course I'm crazy, I'm crazy as a mad hatter. In the old days that used to mean something, but now, everyone is crazy."

-Charles Manson-

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other Cool places:

my beautiful boyfriend, Nathan's page
The WONDERFUL lady Shannon's page
My sister Iliessa's page
My Austrian Friend Mark's page...(it's really really cool=)
my weird friend ERICH'S!! page=)
My VERY good friend Darren's page
my Friend Mina's James Dean page
My WONDERFUL friend, Dataly's page.
my beautiful friend Nikky's page
Enter into Merlin's cave....
Dungeon of the damned (my FAVORITE chat room)
