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Aral Sea

Aral by San Diego U
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Aral Sea

Once the fourth largest inland lake of the globe,-the Aral Sea is dramatically has been shrinking for three decades.It lies between two countries Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Before 1960 it was larger than everyone of the Geat Lakes except Superior, ,this however no longer true. Aral Sea is an inland sea with no outlet to the ocean and it is fed by two great rivers of Central Asia, the Amu-Darya and the Sir-Darya. The water filling these rivers comes mainly from melting snows in the mountains in and near Afghanistan and from an occasional desert rain. Aral Sea is considered as "sea" because of its former huge size (66,000 square km).

Unfortunately,many scientists do believe that the Aral Sea cannot ever be as it was before.It means that complete restoration of sea impossible. The best they do hope for is some sort of stabilization of the sea.There is a solution, partial restoration of sea-itself ,or some parts of Aral Sea system. For example, there is a big interest in the deltas of Amu-Darya and Syr-Darya. The scientists claim that water from the Amu-Darya, the sea's sourse, had been diverted for irrigation purposes, especially for cotton and rice cultures. Some quick actions should be taken in order to save this unique natural site from the disapperance.Our generation deserve to see and admire the natural beauty.

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