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Amazing Grace '98- You Can Help!


On Saturday, August 29, 182 musicians came together to perform in Patterson Park in Baltimore, Maryland. These musician; rock, country, gospel, rap, alternative, pop and more, had come together over the winter to produce the song Amazing Grace as you have never heard it before! Ashley was honored to be one of the first solo vocalists on the tape, doing a verse of one of her favorite songs. Every musician on this project, donated their time and energy to the project, as did the studio, Toyz Recording, and producer, Frank Starchak, who spent endless hours fine tuning the tape. The proceeds of tape sales of Amazing Grace '98 will all go to The Julie Community Center, to beneift homeless teens!

Amazing Grace '98 was the brainchild of Lloyd Marcus, a Baltimore area entertainer who has worked tirelessly for many childrens' causes over the years. Lloyd was on hand at the park concert to direct and cheer on every single act. His energy and enthusiasm was contagious, and everyone got caught up in the fever, and the giving spirit that he passed on! The concert began at 1 p.m. and went on until 6 p.m., when Lloyd presented a check for $5,000 to the Julie Community Center! It was really something to see musicians of all genres, every race, color and creed, coming together for one common cause. Rappers, and country singers stood side by side, sharing one common cause, many crying and joining hands, dancing together and smiling. The spirit of giving had filled all!

We hope you will order a copy of "Amazing Grace '98" too, and make that dollar amount grow even more. Not one person on this project made a dime, but everyone who participated feels like a million bucks!

Ashley Marie is very proud of being part of this project. You can order the tape, "Amazing Grace '98, by sending a check or money order made out to Ashley Marie. The cost is $5.00 per tape, plus 50 cents for postage. It's not too early to order stocking stuffers for Christmas, and this stocking stuffer passes on the spirit of what Christmas is all about!

Order from: Ashley Marie, 3377 Littlestown Pike, Westminster, MD 21158, or call Lloyd Marcus at 410-789-3326.
