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Teo Family in Mexico, January to February 2003

Welcome to Teo story 2003, Ann and "Clayton" at the back of our house.

Teo adventures continue in 2003...

This is where the Mexican adventure for the Teo family continues again. The photos taken and added last can be found on top.

Please click here if you would like to se a map of Mexico. Map of Mexico

Please click here if you would like to go to our new house & moving in website. Teo residence web site

Please click here if you like to go visit the MEXICO CHANNEL website. Mexico Channel

Robert & co visiting us in Mexico, 14 - 28 Feb. The is breakfast the first morning, 15 February 2003.

The "Pyramides" Teotihuacan, 16 February 2003.

A long weekend at the Ericsson recreation resort, La Quinta about 130 km south of Mexico City, 22-24 February 2003.

Just before dinner at La Quinta, 22 February 2003.

Taxco the "silver city" and the cathedral, about 200 km south west of Mexico City, 23 February 2003.

Market place and the cathedral in Taxco, 23 February 2003.

Hacienda Vista Hermosa that Hernán Cortez had build 1529 just after he had conquered Mexico 1521. The "ruins" of this hacienda was turned into a nice hotel 1947, 24 February 2003.

Robert & co at the Mexico city tour, 19 February 2003.

Visiting Carmen, Roberto, Cristina & Andrea. Also Karan and his family was there, Andrea is using a carpet as a blanket. The schoolmates Karan, Arnold & Cristina posing, 8 February 2003.

The Swedish Dalahorse is red & ready just before the International fair, week 8 & 9, 2003.

Building a Swedish Dalahorse for the international fair at Greengates 1 March, 8 & 9 February 2003.

Anders at the Telmex Account Kick-off at La Quinta 6-7 February, 6 February 2003.

Photos taken on the way to and from La Quinta (which is about 120 km south of Mexico city), 7 February 2003.

More photos taken on the way to and from La Quinta (which is about 120 km south of Mexico city), 7 February 2003.

Visitimg the nice park, Xochimilco parque ecologico, which is located in the south part of Mexico city, 2 February 2003.

Some sealife in the park, Xochimilco parque ecologico, 2 February 2003.

Arnold & Aron have been watching Batman & Joker and are now playing the same, 1 February 2003.

Arnold is at Anna´s 6 year birthday party at McDonalds Satelite, 1 February 2003.

Visiting Metepec with Hemming Blomberg. Metepec is close to Toluca and around 75 km west of Mexico City, 26 January 2003.

More pictures from Metepec. The newly renovated church and the view just outside the church, 26 January 2003.

Vistiting Valle De Silencio again to go for a 4- wheel drive. We also found the "remains" of a horse, 19 January 2003.

Arnold and Aron playing in our garden, 18 January 2003.

The first weekend in the new year we went to Taxcoco and a garden called "Molino de Flores", around 45 km east of Mexico City. And no, we did not try the pulque this time, 4 January 2003.

More of Molino de Flores, not much of flowers but the pottery was very nice and cheap, 4 January 2003.

Page last updated 15 March 2003