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528. Mallie Louise COWELL (Private).

Mallie Louise COWELL and Derwood FOWLER had the following children:

child684 i. Tommy Wayne FOWLER (Private).

J. B. APPLETON was born on 18 Feb 1942 in Magazine, Arkansas. He died on 22 Oct 1978 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mallie Louise COWELL and J. B. APPLETON had the following children:

child685 i. Charrie APPLETON (Private).
child686 ii. Jammie Jay APPLETON (Private).
child687 iii. Brandi APPLETON (Private).

Mallie Louise COWELL and Joe CASTRO had the following children:

child688 i. Valerie Deann CASTRO (Private).
child689 ii. Kimberlie Ann CASTRO (Private).

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