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217. James John COWELL (photo) was born on 27 Apr 1874 in Benton County, Tennessee. He was buried in 1940 in Annies Chapel Cemetery, Johnson County, Arkansas. He died on 26 Feb 1940 in Johnson County, Arkansas. James John Cowell moved his family from Newton County, south to Johnson
County, in about 1909.

He was married to Millisa Rufina BREEDLOVE (daughter of William R. BREEDLOVE and Hester MILLSAPS) in Jan 1900 in Newton County, Arkansas. Millisa Rufina BREEDLOVE (photo) was born on 25 Jun 1884 in Newton County, Arkansas. She was buried in 1930 in Annies Chapel Cemetery, Johnson County, Arkansas. She died on 8 Sep 1930 in Johnson County, Arkansas. James John COWELL and Millisa Rufina BREEDLOVE had the following children:

child+344 i. Bessie B. COWELL.
child+345 ii. Eiffie J. COWELL.
child+346 iii. Elthel M. COWELL.
child+347 iv. Milton E. COWELL.
child+348 v. Hettie COWELL.
child+349 vi. Walter Louis COWELL.
child+350 vii. Mellisa Idella COWELL.
child+351 viii. Jimmie Odell COWELL.
child+352 ix. William Irvin COWELL.

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