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15th Annual Festival

In the Student Center at:
The University of Northern Colorado
20th St. & 10th Ave, Greeley, CO Map

Wood Dance Floor

Rocky Tops Logo

Friday, Saturday & Sunday
July 21, 22 & 23, 2000

Married Couples Are Welcome

B'n'B Logo

Don't miss the Trail In Dance on Thursday evening.

Dance Program
Friday & Sunday: Saturday:
Separate Halls for:
  • Mainstream
  • Every 3rd Tip Plus
  • Easy & Intermediate
    Level Rounds
  • Mainstream
  • Plus
  • Advanced
  • Rounds
Live Music at the After Parties
Featured Callers: Featured Cuers:
  • Jeff Palmer
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Mainstream, Plus & Advanced

  • Brian Deibert
    Laramie, WY
    Mainstream & Plus
  • Gene & Linda Krueger
    Colorado & Arizona

  • Joe Callaway
    Colorado Springs, CO

Festival Schedule
Friday Saturday: Sunday:
3:00 PM
  Registration desk
  opens in the UNC
  Student Center Lobby

7:30 PM
  Evening Dance
9:00 AM
  Dancing begins

2:00 - 4:30 PM
  Advanced Dance

7:00 PM
  Evening Dance
10:00 AM
  Trail-out Dance
Square Dance attire is requested at all dance functions.

For additional information, call or write:

Ray Hollar
1165 Spangler Dr.
Denver, CO 80260
(303) 457-0273

Pre-registration deadline is June 30, 2000

Hotel & Shuttle
Reservation Form
Other Square Dance
Conventions & Festivals

Send e-mail to: Colorado Single Square Dancers

© 1999 Paul Graham

This site written
by a member of
The HTML Writers Guild