SE Doberparty Pics 
Breathtaking pics from the October 10-12th, 1998 SE Doberparty hosted by Jean Simpson (Thanks again Jean) in Cave Springs, GA for members of Doberworld-l.
Jean is lucky enough to live on a wonderful piece of land with many animals about.
Lestat and Brandy (Dawn was NOT happy!)
Jazz & Zeus playing
Jazz, Cleo, Milly, & Myles, Come on in, the water is FINE!
Dawn gives a quick obedience lesson!
Zeus & Spunky (Spunky was the obedience decoy!)
Jazz enjoying weenies roated on the fire.. hey..where are the weenies????
The gang at the agility course
SE Doberparty October Bonfire
Sunrise over lake, the view to all the lucky Dobercampers
Early morning, rise and shine Doberboys and girls
Lestat and Brandy on agility all the way from Ohio
Bob Kramer and his Precious Jazz on Agility
Susan Kramer and doberkids on agility