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Ticondera N:
  1. A creative write your own story game site.
  2. By creating a character to use in the game, you can write stories for your character and I post them on the site.
  3. An interactive Play By E-mail Game (PBEG).
  4. The Realm in which your character resides.

Well that about spells out what this site is for. Click the links below to get more information on the site and how to play.
Link Name Link Description
The section where you can find out the site and game rules, on how to play and sign up.
The section where all new stories are posted and stories by me are posted.
All people currently signed up and their character.
Listing of all stories written so far in chronological order
List of all current and previous clans in the world with history and a description of each.
A color map of the planet Monic.
List of dated announcements about changes made to the site and updates.
The history of Monic that includes a time line with major events.
Info. on the religion of Monic, some of its customs, animals, holidays, and other information that won't go anywhere else on the site.
The old chronology of the site pertaining to the past.
Old Map of Monic the way it looked 145 years ago, during time of old chronology.
This is the section pertaining to the other story game on the site.
Take your pick...Your pain is my pleasure.
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Mk Online- Another game you can play across e-mail that is based on Mortal Kombat and the card game created by Brady games.
USS Equinox- A play by e-mail writing game made by one of the members of Realms of Ticondera. You get to create a character in the world of Star Trek aboard the USS Equinox. Go check it out!!!!
Alacazar- Another play by e-mail writing game set in the fantasy world of Alacazar.

If you wish to link to my site, please use this add banner image.

Copyright 1997. This page is Maintained by Chris Slempa and is a creation made completely on his own imagination. For entertainment purposes only, not to be taken literally (or internally).