This chapter is the English translation of Gujarati Book Title - Sadhak and Sathi Author - Shri Atmanandji (Dr. Soneji) CHAPTER 28 CYCLE OF WORLDLY EXISTENCE (SAMSARA-PARIBHRAMANA) A life subject to ignorance and lack of self-control becomes involved in the varied bonds of Karma. A person thus bounded by Karmas has to take birth in four different states and eight million four hundred thousands of different existences. Involving in the cycle of worldly lives implies undergoing obligatory worldly existences in which one has to suffer birth, old age, and death as also mental and physical illnesses. The four-fold states are those of human, divine, animal, and hellish life. The eight million four hundred thousands of existences are described as under by the religion scriptures: Nitya-nigoda 0.7 Million Itar-nigoda 0.7 Pruthvikaya (Earth) 0.7 Jalakaya (Water) 0.7 Agnikaya (Fire) 0.7 Vayukaya (Air) 0.7 Vanaspatikaya (Vegitables) 1.0 Two senses (Insects) 0.2 Three senses (Insects) 0.2 Four senses (Insects) 0.2 Five senses (animal) - life 0.4 Heavenly 0.4 Hellish 0.4 Human 1.4 -------------------------------------------- Total 8.4 Million PAINS AND SUFFERINGS OF THE ANIMAL AND HUMAN STATES: Even today, the tortures of the animal and human states are visible to the observer. The domestic animals are dominated by bondage it constitutes pure dependence. The animal gets food and drink only if and when the master gives it. The quantity and quality of food also depend upon him. The animal gets nothing at its own will. The sorrow of dependence persists. Horses, donkeys, oxen, camels and other domestic animals have to become beasts of burden. They have to work heavily till they get exhausted. Their noses and mouths are pierced. They also have to suffer the blows of sticks and whips. Other free animals and birds too have their sorrows and sufferings. Deer, rabbits, antelopes, jackals and similar animals have the constant fear of lions, tigers, leopards and other enemies. Small birds and fish constantly fear their hunting by bigger birds, fish, and hunters. The whole world of animals and birds is ever exposed to cold, heat, disease and other hardships. Though veterinary care has evolved in recent years proper diagnosis and management become practical occasionally for various reasons. TORTURES OF HUMAN LIFE: The fetus has to be hung in an upside down posture in the womb of the mother for nine months. It has to live in the midst of blood, urine, and excrete. Evidently, this seems painful. In infancy, the human being is totally dependent upon others. The infant cannot speak it can express its hunger and thirst only through cries. It has to suffer the pain and illness due to lack of speech. It is entirely dependent upon others for eating, drinking, bathing, and dressing. In youth, senses grow strong and there is some self-dependence. However, diseases can attack at any time. One has to work hard for the family; one has to worry constantly about wealth, fame and achievement. Desires are many, but their fulfilment is limited. This leads to constant dissatisfaction and rejection. Old age comes and the eyes,and limbs grow weak. All senses become weak and the body stoops. The skin gets wrinkled and in extreme old age, there is total dependence and loss of memory. Again diseases like tuberculosis, asthma, leprosy, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, peptic-ulcer and many others take their toll. Some rare persons appear happy externally due to fruition of their previous good deeds. However their number is very small, and the real cause of happiness is merit earned by righteous deeds in previous births. PAINS AND SUFFERINGS OF HELL AND DIVINE STATES: The pains and sufferings of these two states are not visible to the human eyes. Let us however describe these with the help of the knowledge of religious scriptures. In the hellish state there are constant acute sufferings. The Souls are constantly busy fighting among themselves, due to the memory of previous life, the instigation of lower gods, and harsh tempers. They again unceasingly suffer from hunger and thirst, heat and cold, diseases and other afflictions. There is nobody to help them, pacify them or console them. The Jivas of hell have to suffer through sheer helplessness and again these sufferings last for many many years due to the prolonged life. In the divine state, even though there are means of significant comforts, covetousness, jealousy, passion, and the like are common and so there is intense mutual hatred, jealousy and suffering. The higher gods are blessed with self-knowledge. Their suffering is therefore relatively lessened. There is less anger and contentment is high. The passions are well subdued. However, dependence and sorrows do exist because of the absence of the natural happiness of the Soul (Atma). Once we thoroughly know the pains and sufferings of these four states, we get a proper perspective of the worldly existence, mundane transmigration really frightens us and a feeling of detachment is born. One feels an urgent need to get free from such feelings at the earliest possible time and thus is stimulated for desire for liberation. MUNDANE TRANSMIGRATION: A GREAT DISTRESS 1. Birth, old age, decay, and death are the same again and again; all these are of the nature of pain. The ocean of life is full of pains and sufferings and is unfathomable. Therefore wise people awake from the sleep of delusion. 2. The religion of the detached ones is the supreme reality. Let it be steady in my mind and let it make my heart lustrous. Let me be free from the cycle of birth and death O Jiva! Ponder a little more, give up idleness, awake and see that your invaluable birth as a human being is not wasted. 3. Due to failure to acquire asceticism, humility, and the preachings of the enlightened ones, this soul has wandered hither and tither for long. What is past is past, let me now awaken myself; make a sincere effort and be victorious. 4. O Jiva, you suffered in all the four states. Seek refuge in utter peace and tranquility by pondering on God the Supreme and self knowledge. LIVING EXAMPLES OF REVOLVING IN WORLDLY LIFE: An incident of the life of Shree Roopago-Swami, the renowned pupil of Shree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu of the fifteenth century. He was employed by King Sultan Alauddin Shah of the Gauda State in Bengal as a chief advisor (Vazir). The Sultan was very happy with his service. Once during a heavy rainy day, Roopago-Swami was going to Sultan's office and he heard a conversation. A beggar was asked by his wife to go out for begging. The beggar replied, "On such a rainy day and adverse time, only a slave or servant will have to go out. Even dogs and jackals are not going out. Why should I go then?" These words reached the ears of Roopago-Swami. He pondered over this a little, detachment dawned on him. He told himself, "I am trapped in ordinary prosperity and futile honors. I lived a dependent life. I am born as a human being, and yet my life is in no way better than that of an animal. What a fool I am! I have not even thought about real eternal life until now! What will be my state if death entraps me just in this state!. I shall now pass the rest of my life in devotion to God and meditation on the Self!" That very day, he submitted his resignation and engrossed himself in devotion of God the Supreme! He thus attained to the status of a great poet, philosopher, a scholar, and a devotee.