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Introduction to the 8 Powers of Raja Yoga
Eight powers are specifically mentioned, has been developed through Raja Yoga.
It is important not just to know what these powers are, but it is even more important to understand when and how to use them.
The eight powers are such that, in any situation, there will be at least one power, that is, appropriate for my use.
The correct choice of the power will depend on my remaining calm and having a clear picture of the situation in question.
These eight powers become more and more effective in my life as I become expert in applying them to situations as required.
Each power is inculcated in the basis of pure values.
These values have that particular power to be used efficiently.
According to Indian Mythology, Shiv Shaktis, the daughters of Shiva are the bestowers of different powers.

(Touch and Click to explore the particular power)
Power To Let Go
 Power To Face
 Power To Tolerate 
 Power To Withdraw 
 Power To Cooperate 
 Power To Decide 
 Power to Discriminate 
 Power To Accommodate