4th REICH of the Rich

The International Jews and Christians are today's modern day nazis. The Holocaust deeply affected the Jewish psyche- in order to overcome the deep spiritual, mental and emotional trauma that resulted many jews have developed a reactionary counter-response by becoming 10-100 times worse than Hitler's Nazis. Complete with "tatoo" barcodes to be put on the right hand (recall the numbered tatoo on the right arm in WW2) and a desire to inflict pain and suffering on others, today's international jews (and christians) are succeeeding in becoming the MOST ruthless peoples in the entire history of the human race. They both were the primary forces behind the slaughters of World War I and World War 2. They are now engineeering a thermonuclear war to be fought and won in the Middle East (aka World War 3). The International Christians, as stated, are in direct collusion with the International jew elite. This judeo-christian cabal are now engaged in laying the satanic moral and ethical foundation for their new world order. A christian infrastructure, in the form of congregations, institutions and church structures worldwide, are already in place. The European union (and eventually Jerusalem) are slated to become the headquarters of this new spiritual judeo-christian order as soon as the crisis conditions of the planet require it (as they have diabolically planned). The Anti-christ (their "Christ") will most assuredly arise out of this context to form a "benign" global dictatorship to rule the world in the years ahead. This is their judeo-christian "4th Reich"...and it is here now.

4th Reich Links

New World Order Police State

International Jew Elite
Jews, International Bankers, Elders of Zion
EU- Center for World Government
International Institutions
Antichrist World Empire
National ID Cards
Cashless Money System
Federal Surveillance of Ordinary People
FBI's "Project Meggido"
666-Mark of the Beast
USA Terror Inc
Antichrist/False Prophet
Jew World order vs. Vatican/Pope of Rome
Rothschild and Gold
The Turner Diaries
U.S./Canadian Concentration camps
British Empire vs. Vatican
World Government
Interception Capabilities 2000
NCIC 2000/ F.B.I.-USA
The Biggest Secret/David Icke
Statewatch/ EU
Global Famine/World Hunger-Poverty
New World Order Police State
Age of Information Warfare
Psychotronics/ Police State
The American Police State
World War 3
Revived Roman Empire
The Great Tribulation

Prophet's Master Links