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Early Years

During the 1920s, the comedies of Charlie Chaplin (Charles Spencer Chaplin) were some of the most popular films amongst the movies of the decade.

Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889 in Walworth. London. He spent his childhood in extreme poverty. Although both his parents were music hall artists, they separated when he was very young. But it was his mother who inspired him to pursue a career in music and acting.

Chaplin started off his career when he joined the Eight Lancashire Lads, which eventually lead him to parts in Sherlock Holmes and Casey's Court Circus. Later, his brother, Sydney, managed to get Charlie involved with the Fred Karno Company, which was basically a comedians college. In the early 1910's, Charlie toured the United States with the Karno group. While on his tours, Charlie became associated with the Keystone Film Company, in which Charlie took his first glimpse into the emerging movie industry.

Rise to Success

In his early movie career, Chaplin starred in Making A Living and other movies made by Keystone Film Company. And finally Chaplin experienced directing a movie when he directed Twenty Minutes of Love. As Chaplin's success increased, he moved on to other film companies with better deals. Along with Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, and D.W. Griffith, Chaplin formed United Artists in 1919, where he created many of his classic comedies such as The Gold Rush, The Circus, and many others.

Chaplin continued to make movies, even after he was deported from America during the Era of McCarthism. Later in his life, he moved to Switzerland with his wife, Oona O'Neill, and their children. He spent his final years writing music for his films and enjoyed his family before he died on Christmas Day in 1977. Sources

Cited Works

Microsoft Encarta   Hemingway, Ernest Miller.
     Redmen: Funk & Wagnalls Corporation: 1994