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While our organization remains very active, this website is not currently being updated. Please see the Colorado State Chess Association site for all the latest information.

Welcome. Southern Colorado Chess is an affiliate of the United States Chess Federation (USCF) serving Colorado Springs, Pueblo, and the surrounding region. Our organizing committee members are Dean Brown, Roy Heath, David Lee, Ken Schwartz, and Larry Wutt. We are a (very) nonprofit association, and we seek to arrange activities which complement those of the Colorado Springs Chess Club. For further information, please call Ken at (719) 576-6571.

Be sure to visit the superb Colorado State Chess Association (CSCA) website. This comprehensive site will tell you everthing you need to know about clubs and tournaments throughout the state. The CSCA website even contains information not included here about Southern Colorado organizations and events. Also of regional interest are the fine New Mexico Chess Organization and Wyoming Chess Association websites.





Site last updated on 04 March 2001