In discussing the Snake woman's physique, one could not help mentioning her tremendous charm and beauty. One would only have to name a few Snake women at random to convince oneself of this truism — Jacqueline Kennedy, Grace Kelly. In Japan, the best way to compliment any female is to tell her that she is endowed with a snake's beauty (mi-bijin).

This is not a kind of provocative, fiery beauty like that of the Dragon counterpart, but the one which is touching, enticing, bewitching, entrancing, and to which the wisest men may easily fall willing victims. Even the least favored natives of the sign — those whose beauty does not necessarily take people aback — can pride themselves on their irresistible seductiveness.

It is always a pleasure to see the Snake woman move about. Even her simplest gestures strike by their inimitable gracefulness, elegance, refinement, and harmony. There is eternally an exquisitely romantic and dreamy air about her. This is a daintily dimpled creature whose manner is serene and soothing. She remains young a very long time, her muscles refusing to become flabby and pendent, and looks best around her menopause.

Conscious of her power of seduction, she does not seek to be glamorous and generally adopts a somewhat modest comportment. Although keen on using her charm as her sole weapon in her battle for life, she displays tactfulness in her dealings with other people. Narcissistic in the extreme, spending a considerable amount of her time at her dressing table, she instinctively knows how to appear under the most favorable light — for to look beautiful and be loved is to her of vital importance.

Her body is supple, undulating — the body of a snake! — and represents a perfect symphony of rhythm and melody. No wonder why she is naturally gifted for dancing. However slender she may be, the native never looks skinny. Wasp-waisted, she has soft curves, a fair complexion, and a satiny skin. Her shoulders are well-rounded and most fit for décolletages of every description. Her breasts are rather small, but firm and high-fixed.

Her face represents a flawless oval and has a perpetual innocent expression. It would be difficult to remain indifferent to her warm, velvety voice. Her eyes are almond-shaped, misty, tender, languid, and unfathomable. And her smile, underlined by gracefully arched lips, would have the power to melt the most hardened souls.

This woman is incredibly particular and fussy about her attire. Unlike her male counterpart, who is not afraid of foppery, she quite generally dresses up with good taste, but with a distinct proclivity to expensive clothes. She has a pronounced weakness for furs, jewels, perfumes — in short, for everything that may contribute to enhancing her already formidable charm and beauty.

Nobody can have everything, and the Snake woman is no exception to this rule. While her physical appearance is wonderfully seductive, she does not enjoy a very robust constitution. Her organism is rather fragile and tends to react adversely to a wide variety of stimuli.

Although somewhat more endurant than the male half of the sign, she has to be perfectly conscious of her safety level — her recuperative powers are mediocre — for once she has sunk below it, it would be extremely difficult for her to be afloat again, In general, she needs a lot of rest and sleep without, however, indulging in laziness or escapism.

As a rule she suffers from some form of dysfunction of her kidneys, a faulty elimination being the most frequent case. She must drink every one or two hours during the day, and the total amount of absorbed liquid must not be less than two quarts. It is in her interest to drink mineral water, filtered water, or fruit juices, at the exclusion of white and gray wines and champagne, which she is very fond of but are decidedly detrimental to her kidneys and bladder. She must also avoid spinach, asparagus, sorrel, vinegar, unripe fruits, spices, alcohol, and tobacco.

Her ovaries are likely to be a source of trouble and must be an object of close medical surveillance. Like her astrological brother, she is a highly allergic person. Her reactions to allergens generally show themselves at the level of her mucous membranes and skin, mostly in the form of nasal disorders and dermatoses. Painful muscular contractions, particularly in the lumbar region, are too frequent to go unnoticed and untreated.

Naturally lazy and indolent, she loves sunbathing in a lying, motionless position. But nothing could be more prejudicial to her than this practice since the danger of sunstrokes is real enough in her case and she can become liable to varices due to her less than satisfactory circulation.

Always anxious about her appearance, the Snake woman would rarely let herself go to food excesses. On the contrary, she tends to impose herself draconian diets which may cause her more harm than good. Common sense and moderation are needed here to strike a good balance; but this is easier said than done because the native, whose will is rather weak, would find it hard to adhere strictly to a reasonable discipline.

She needs daily physical exercise. While violent sports must be banned, she can practice the milder ones. Gymnastics and dancing can be enough to keep her fit. Massages may reveal themselves beneficial as well.

Because of her hypersensitiveness, she must above all be careful about her affective life by protecting it from major shocks. Her health is closely dependent on her emotional state of the moment, with her physical miseries being often a literal translation of her internal conflicts. It is not a mere coincidence if her worst health crises, such as colibacillosis, always occur while she is a prey to stresses and tensions.

Greta Garbo: a famous Snake


Being in the line of Helen of Troy, this subject is no doubt aesthetically inclined. Her sense of proportion, line, color, rhythm, and melody reaches the highest degree. Beauty and harmony in all form exalt her; she needs them around her in order to function properly. On the contrary, ugliness and untidiness greatly revolt her, making her feel miserable and unhappy. For these reasons she is very fond of rituals, not for their symbolic significance, but for their aesthetic content. She would refuse to eat food which is not beautifully presented. Unfortunately, her love of things beautiful is often carried so far as to make her lose touch with reality; her irresistible penchant for luxury, for instance, can get her into serious financial trouble at one time or another.

The Snake female functions mostly with her heart, rarely with her mind. She possesses an unerring instinct for doing the right thing as far as human relations are concerned; whatever her background, her sense of propriety is never out of tune. Her intuition serves as a kind of extremely sensitive and accurate radar in her business of living: She can know the right answer to most problems in a flash without a shade of reasoning and is seldom betrayed by her impressions, feelings, likes, and dislikes.

She is always afraid to antagonize other people since her peace of mind and happiness largely depend on their acceptance and approval. It is why she acts with true prudence, trying to look carefully at both sides of things and duly weigh all the pros and cons involved. She also makes serious efforts to show fairness by avoiding bias, giving everybody a good chance, and to reach impartial judgments. Whether or not she can succeed in this direction is perpetually open to question because her emotivity often gets in the way of her good intentions. But she does what is in her power to do. Her basic instinct of tact and thoughtfulness seldom fails her. Gentle and affable, she excels at showing consideration for other people's sensitivities, readily admitting her mistakes and carefully concealing her aggressivity. In addition, she has exquisitely tender affection for those nearest to her heart.

This is a highly intelligent female whose cultural level is well above the average. Everything fascinates her, for her intellectual curiosity knows of no limit. An avid reader, she does not waste her time on bad or even mediocre authors and is not liable to say stupid things. No subject seems to be beyond her grasp.

One of her major weaknesses is her persistent inability and unwillingness to face up to reality. She dreams a lot, broods a lot, and often has difficulty lifting herself out of her moods. She also deliberately cultivates her air of helplessness because it can profit her more than a display of self-reliance. The result is that she has a basically "feminine" character — she muddles through life hesitant, indecisive, unpredictable. It is difficult for her to commit herself to any definite course of action, and for others to know exactly what she is up to. Besides, she is prone to religiosity, mysticism, and bigotry.

Altruism is a quality she will have to learn all her life, for egoism is an essential part of her psychological makeup. Although she never means to be unfair or deceptive, her affability, gentleness, feminity, and helplessness are, in the last analysis, fundamentally a gimmick she uses to get what she wants out of life — and she wants everything to satisfy not only her real needs but also her caprices. She would not deprive herself of anything for anyone's sake; she would extend a helping hand only if this profits her at the same time or at least entails no personal sacrifice. She is extremely clever at ferreting out advantages for herself and, when necessary, gets herself be supported, thus becoming a drag on her friends sometimes and forgoing her sense of independence. (Jacqueline Kennedy's successive marriages may well account for this character trait of the typical Snake woman.) However, in some exceptional circumstances, especially when she is involved with a Snake man, it is not impossible for her to let her heart be moved by the misfortune of others.

This woman's need to be adored and loved for her beauty is as great as the Dragon woman's desire to be admired and worshipped for her talent. To seduce everyone is her own way to supply fuel for her ego, and she puts all her fertile imagination to use in this endeavor. While her otherworldly charm is clearly hard to resist, it of course does not necessarily work with all. But she cannot bear seeing someone remain indifferent to her spell and will mobilize all her resources to enchant him into surrender. This is how she manages to get her way in life.

Another of her undesirable characteristics is her snobbishness. She does not want to make friends with anyone but carefully selects those who enjoy wealth, rank, prestige, or fame, discarding without regret such people as are unlikely to help in her social promotion.

She loves to entertain sumptuously and does it with exquisite refinement and perfect know-how; nevertheless people of modest condition cannot expect to receive an invitation card from her.

Lastly, she always wants life to treat her as a princess. A lazy streak is conspicuously discernible to the fore of her personality. Not only does she detest uncongenial or manual chores, she also hates to make necessary efforts in all directions except, obviously, when it comes to enhancing or trying out her charm.


The Snake woman is a femme fatale par excellence: Men are irresistibly attracted to this angel of feminity, this sex symbol, unaware or oblivious of what lie in wait for them. There is an unmistakable air of voluptuousness about her which makes them lose their heads. She always has a large crowd of unconditional admirers in tow and never encounters the problem of finding a lover or spouse. What these men do not know is that she herself needs a man in order to function smoothly — she simply cannot do without males, and the prospect of loneliness terrifies her more than anything else.

However blasé she may appear or pretend to be, she believes in her heart of hearts that to love and be loved are the most vital business in life. To her, a woman without love would better be dead. Because she attaches paramount importance to love, the native sometimes undergoes a complete reversal of personality when she pledges her heart to a man — an event which can always surprise but is quite logical.

How does she love? With intensity, passion, and romanticism. Anything less than that would be incongruous with her behavior. Her capacity for love is so great, and she demands to be loved in return with as much wholeheartedness and etherealness. With every fiber of her being she will refuse tepidness and mediocrity. Those men who have designs on this female should be perfectly conscious of her insistence on the good quality of their love.

And how does she make love? Her rule is to follow no rule, to let her sweeping and spontaneous desires guide her. The simplicity of her approach to physical intimacy has something so blissful, so heavenly that those who have shared it with her would find their subsequent fusion with any other woman rather insipid and boring. She can by turns be a ball of fire or indulge in prolonged sex games according to the dictates of her instinct and the desires of her partner. She is also willing to play a somewhat passive role, allowing her mate to dominate her and feel happy. But nothing is more apt to turn her off than prosaism, coarseness, or inconsiderateness.

Men who want to enjoy her ineffable favors often have to pay a high price for them. To love her almost always means to be in for a rough time, for she has the reputation of being a sore trial to her spouse and admirers alike. Possessive she certainly is and has no cause to be envious of other women on this score; while her fidelity is less than guaranteed, she refuses to make allowances for her lovers' escapades, except when it is a Snake or Horse man. Jealous she also is, and to the point of throwing caustic acid on her rivals' faces. Her vanity is as harrowing as her coquetry and capriciousness. She wants all her men to perpetually offer her proofs, verbal and otherwise, of their unconditional love; she wants them to die for her, not only figuratively but sometimes even literally, and incites them to commit the worst follies to satisfy her desires and whims. But they can never be sure to content her and receive a reward proportional to their trails and efforts.

Faithful to your sign, you value the joys of love more than all other things that you look for in life. In other words, you're a great lover. Your life is based on sentiments and sensuality.

For you, nothing is harder to stand than loneliness. If you ever have to choose between an ill-assorted marriage and a single life, you may opt for the first solution. In your eyes, everything is better than to find yourself alone in your couch! Sometimes, the specter of loneliness will appear to you more frightening than ever. Beware, however: "It's better to be well hanged than ill married" (German proverb).

When you love, you sincerely try to understand the other one; but you also much expect him to assist you, to support you, to back you up. The beloved one will have to take care of his elegance, and show that he is always as amorous and desirous of charming you as ever. He will have to know how to make you feel to what extent he wishes to be only one with you. If you could think that he neglects you, that he no longer tries to create the tender and voluptuous climate which you adore, or if he began to make reproaches, then you would well run the risk of succumbing to another man, trying to demonstrate to this one how irresistible your charm is.

You should enter a union only when the situation is ripe, that is, when you are convinced of profound harmony and understanding with your future mate. Too often, by fear of hurting and also by lack of sufficiently strong will, you run the risk of embarking on a relation which satisfies you only partly and to which you don't know how to put an end either. Such a union, which must be your life's corner-stone, will not bring you all the blooming you wish for. But if your choice is sound, you can find all the harmony to which you aspire, in the complicity with a person as comprehensive as you are.

According to tradition, you are not reputed for remarkable faithfulness. But your possible adventures are either motivated by an irresistible but temporary desire for change, or dictated by your horror to deceive your different partners or make them suffer. In sum, it would be unjust to accuse you of malice or wickedness. Basically, you prefer to remain faithful to the man of your life for whom you have sincere love.

Everything in your fantasms is related to desire. But desire and wait rather than acting. What's important in your eyes is games of seduction, glances, the extreme luxury of dresses and places, the promises of a smile or of a movement which is apparently innocent but terribly provocative. Those who crowd your fantasms are beings who are all refined, who pursue love but prove to be difficult to charm, shifty or even reticent. You move in a universe of charm and beauty, a subtle and harmonious universe, where everything is sign, promise or refusal, where everything is mask and swift turn, subtle avowals or hardly perceptible flights. However, all this amorous merry-go-round will end with a freely accepted union.

Brutes displease you as much as too spicy a dish. You like handsome, young and sensitive men. Those who can arouse your fantasms have everything of romantic heroes. They are tall and slim, wear clothes of great elegance with subtle ease, their long hair floats on their shoulders. They ride stallions or drive sport cars. They roam the world as dandies, capable of great passions but restraining their instincts so as not to hurt the beautiful women whom they desire. You imagine them at your feet, you want them to be submitted to you, at least in appearance. For, actually, you expect only one thing — that these almost feminine men show you that they are as virile as others.

If the woman of your heart is a SNAKE

In love, the Snake woman really doesn't have the desire to conquer, but the one to please. She reaches her objective by her gentleness, by the thoughtfulness that she shows to others, and by a sort of benevolence which inclines to a "live and let live" attitude.

If circumstances are not adverse, her love life begins early and is always very packed. There're two reasons for this. On one hand, by nature she's very much attracted to love experiences and is always on the lookout for them; she can't resist the charm she practices — this means that she loves love for love. On the other hand, her attractive charm makes her very much wanted, often by partners older than her.

Love is the main drive of her life. But her love affairs generally go through storms, reconciliations, and also periodic desire for freedom, despite the fact that she can't stand loneliness.

Just as love, sex plays a considerable role in her life, even though she's rather inspired by the pleasures of chasing and taking up challenges. And that's why one could easily take her for an incorrigible sort of Messalina.

For her, nothing is harder to stand than loneliness. If she ever has to choose between an ill-assorted marriage and a single life, she won't hesitate to opt for the first solution. But let's hope that this doesn't push her into some catastrophic commitments!

When she gets married, she has the best intentions in the world — she hopes to be faithful, to respect her "contract", and to bring happiness to the other one. But actually, she isn't quite easy to deal with. Indeed, if she loves intensively, passionately and romantically, she demands in return to be loved with as much might, for she doesn't stand for lukewarm attentions. And one often has trouble satisfying these requirements completely.


The Snake woman is so easy to live with! That's one quality that you'd gladly admit to. Kind and accommodating, she'll do anything to make you happy, and you can't beat her for the way she arranges a comfortable life for you. On the other hand, she needs harmony so much that she's ready to make a maximum of concessions to preserve her tranquillity and a pleasant atmosphere at home.

But her skill of dodging, her inimitable way of avoiding conflicts, finally get on your nerves. And, in all likelihood, you'll be inclined to take a wicked delight in pouring gasoline on the fire, in pushing her to the last cutting edge so that she'll react and finally get angry. Watch out, it's the last thing to do to her! This woman rejects violence with her whole heart, and being in conflict with those she loves can severely hurt her, whatever her age.

Beware not to make a scene if she's a little bit too charming to other men - she can't help herself pleasing. Sometimes, she'll suddenly realize that time passes and will try to prove to herself that her power of seduction hasn't lost any of its efficiency. Instead of bursting out with jealousy, lead her into her own trap by showing her that you're still as sensitive to her charm as ever.


It would be a gross error to believe that the Snake woman is a brainless phoenix whose sole capacity to make a living is to seduce. She is in fact so endowed as to be able to stand on her own feet and manage her own career in a variety of fields. It is true, however, that her charm is her first and foremost trump card. She can successfully exploit it in such professions as show business and public relations, or as a mannequin, negotiator, diplomat, saleswoman, and publicist. In general her target clients and audiences unwittingly fall under her spell and surrender themselves without opposing much resistance.

Owing to her lively intelligence and prominent perceptive faculty, she can be a first-rate psychologist, investigator, or theoretician. Her penetrating intuition helps her be a much prized astrologer, clairvoyante, or fortuneteller versed in all "mancies."

We should not forget that the female of the Snake sign is a born aesthete with a keen appreciation of art under all forms. She moves happily in every conceivable artistic career with an equal talent. As an artist she can create wonderful works and expresses herself with extraordinary charm and grace in speech, writing, sculpting, painting, and dancing. At a more modest level, she proves an imaginative haute-couture designer or tasteful beautician.

But this woman has some specific assets which not every other woman is favored with. First of all, despite her reluctance to cope squarely with reality and her natural laziness, she knows exactly what she wants in life and does not bother about what is not in direct relation with her objectives. Secondly, she has no culpability feeling about money, being able to draw a clear line between money and any emotional context; moreover, she has enough courage to demand a just remuneration for her work — it is impossible to underpay her. Finally, she is often served by incredible chance — it is frequent that she stumbles on a Maecenas, marries into wealth, or unexpectedly receives a fabulous heritage. The third asset, evidently, is largely apt to compensate for any deficiency in her work capacities she may have.

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