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CFB'd Series
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Welcome to the B-Fan!

Hey, look at me! It's been about 8 months and I finally decided to update my site. Since I'm going to be attending university this September, updates from here on out may be infrequent, but I will try to update once a week. I am definatly going to continue with the CFB series and Aradia, but as for the others, I don't know. My computer got shocked by some lightning and so, I had to buy a new computer (Wahoo, finally got a laptop!) and so my files of my other stories are toast. Now it depends on whether or not I feel like starting from scratch. I'm also working on a story that combines the BsB and the TV show Survivor, if it works out, it'll be posted. Anyway enjoy what is on here.

What is B-Fan? Well, that's easy! It stands for Backstreet FANfiction.

I absolutly love the medium of fanfiction. It allows us fans to call the shots, which, I think, personally draws me. I am also a dedicated Backstreet Boys fan. What better way to enjoy both my favourites that to create a shrine for them?

I suffer from what is called insomnia and so I spend my restless nights writing. I written quite a few fanfics in many different genres. I've had a few published but not in the BsB genre. It seems that there are no real sites that publish BsB fanfics. So, I decided to create my own page to publish my works.

Right now this page just has my stories but if anyone else would like to have me host their stories, I'd be happy to, just e-mail me.

Disclaimer: I am in no way related to the Backstreet Boys or their management. The fanfics presented here are merely works of fiction and any resemblence to any events or people are merely coinsedental. Created July 26th, 1999.