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CNA World

Welcome to C.N.A. world. On this site, I wish to talk a little bit about the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of the job of being a Certified Nurse's Assistant. Some of the terms that I use are specific to this job, and some folks may not be privy to them. I have picked out the ones that I think may be confusing, and linked them to my definition page. Please feel free to click on the links (which are colored blue such that you will know they are links). With that said, sit back, grab yourself a cold one, light up a smoke, (since virtually all CNAs that I know smoke) and (hopefully) enjoy!

Rocking Chair Picture

Since I know that nobody ever looks at the "bio"sections of most sites, I will keep this short. I am called Thom, and I live in Northern Colorado, and have been a C.N.A. for about 6 years now. I have worked mostly in nursing homes, but have done some hospital work too. I am currently employed with a temp agency a "pool" going to nursing homes that are short of in house help.


As promised, I will touch on some of the better aspects of my current position. For starters, as a pool person, I am able to make my own schedule, work where I want, and avoid working where I do not. Of course, this has nothing to do whatsoever with being an aide, but I thought that I would mention it as it is part of MY job from this point on, I will refer to myself as an "aide"as it gets old having to put all those dots in "C.N.A.". Some of the good things about being an aide in general are the following.


I like to be optimistic about being an aide. However, there are some bad points about the job. I mentioned above that I belong to the "pool". Besides never knowing for sure where you are going to work your shift, or IF you are going to work your shift, other problems also occur. For whatever reasons they have, sometimes "pool" are treated poorly by the regular staff. We get the crap jobs, get maligned*, and we are a convenient scapegoat. Of course, these are inherent problems of being "pool", and are not the woes of most aides. Please find some of the bad things about the job below.
*Of course, agency people are not always exactly nice either. Some have been known to be lazier & more foul tempered than Ratchet, who gets an honorable mention later on in the page.


This is the section you all have been waiting for. We have had the good, the bad, and now comes the ugly. To claim that there is nothing disgusting about this job would be the same as saying that Bill Clinton has been a faithful husband to Hillary. Below I have listed for your entertainment a list of things that I find unpleasant about the job.


Recently, I got a suggestion to add personalities to the mix.These are the co-workers that you may have encountered in your travels. They don't necessarily fit into the good bad or the ugly categories. If I've left anyone out, let me know! Thanks for the suggestion, Angie!


You might get the idea after reading this site that the bad and ugly FAR outweigh the good about being an Aide. This is simply not the case. Being a C.N.A. is a great joy, and I have learned much from the people I care for. I made this site to amuse my fellow CNA.s and to speak my mind about some of the real problems that face a few of the nursing homes to which I am sent (lack of supplies, lack of staff, shift wars). I would love to hear from you, the visitor and have given you a couple of ways to go about contacting me. I would greatly appreciate if you would sign the guest book, or you may send me an e-mail. I love to read feedback, be it positive or negative, or just to let me know that you found the site! If you have a frequently asked question, such as "How do I become a CNA??" you may want to check this page out. You may find answers to other questions there too.

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How Do I Become A CNA, and Other Questions

Post Script

Like this site and wish to communicate with other CNAs from around the country? Simply join our CNA Club! Come see what all the hype is about by clicking here . Anybody who is, has been, or wishes to become a Nurse's Assistant is welcome. Once you are viewing the page, simply click on the "Join this Club" link, located on the right and near the top of said club page, and follow the directions. CNA World has over 500 members now, so there are plenty of people to chat with!

If you want to join, but are having trouble, click here for my help page. Thanks again for coming by, hope to see you in the club soon!

This page last updated on a bright, bright, bright sunshiny day

Notice: This page is not affiliated with the CNA Insurance Company, or any of it's subsidiaries. In fact, I don't even know what kind of insurance they sell. All I know is that they have as their URL, which I at one time thought of buying, but decided that it would cost too much. Then one day, I saw that they had it. Oh well, you snooze you lose!