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On A Serious Note

I constructed CNA World to entertain my fellow health care professional, however, someone reading these entries may see me (us) as complainers who do nothing about the problems that I (they) see. I hope that this is not the case. Being put in a position of care provider, we must also become care protector. Losing your temper in this job is probably a given. It will happen at some point (unless you are one of those people who never do). However, as with all customer service, it is improper to yell at the client, and most certainly hit them. If we see or hear abuse, it is our duty to report it to whomever will DO something about it. If this means calling State, so be it. Usually, it will be the Cratchets who engage in this activity, and where I like the thought of all the residents banding together to beat the tar out of the offensive care provider, it probably won't happen, so it is up to us to make sure they are safe. Also, if we see that the resident,s living conditions are not up to snuff, we should try to rectify the situation, starting with talking with the administrator, (who is probably named "Scrooge") and then going to State if needed. The point is, and I do not want to be preachy, is that we have been placed in a position of trust and responsibility and we need to take that seriously. That is all for now...
