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CYlaX Yahtzee, added: 1/9/03

Works perfectly, has users and everything, umm, pretty basic, i made it for a ipt project, if you want the source code (programed in delphi 6), email me. The game allows for Player reccords, to store your high scores and stuff. its fun for a while.

Rated: 8 mounties out of 10.
CYX Yahtzee

Lemmings, added: 4/5/03

this is Lemmings, a classic game, it pisses me off when they fall off the edge
Rated: 4 mounties out of 10.

15 small windows games, added: 4/5/03

this is a package of small games like ski free, spider solitare and a few others
Rated: 5 mounties out of 10.
15 small windows games

Progress quest 6.1, added: 4/5/03

this game is just funny, kinda dumb, its a role playing game, go to the website - Progress quest website
Rated: 3.5 mounties out of 10.
Progress quest

Pontifex, added: 2/9/02

This game is Sweeeeet, originally bridge builder, then formed into this advanced game.
Rated: 9 mounties out of 10.

Crack Head, added: 2/9/02

Funny game
Rated: 6.5 mounties out of 10.

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