Ever dream of owning your favorite men/women/other? That's what you can do here. Simple select the members you would have in your dream harem and submit the list to our ARCHIVIST for registry. And don't worry if anyone's taken your faves. we do clones here.

Aiobheann's Harem
Well, as for a harem for me, the boys would be there as much to play with each other while I watched as anything else...
so, I would have to have John Crichton, of course, and what's a John harem boy without a D'Argo harem boy? It's like chocolate and peanut butter. Two great tastes that taste great together. :)
And a Jim Ellison and a Blair Sandburg, too. No self-respecting male-harem-keeper would want to be without a big, buff, throwback-to-primitive-man detective and a bouncy anthropologist.
And a Maul harem boy and one in Obi-Wan flavor, too.
Just think: they can teach the rest of the harem the ways of the Force, and then EVERYBODY gets to make wild, Force-driven monkey love for hours on end.
And just to round things out, I'd want a Larraq harem boy...just becuase I like him, and there's just not enough LarraqSmut out there. Besides...Larraq and John in PK leather. Need I say more?

Aislin's Harem
Good thing I waited to reply to the harem selection!! As many 'wives', huh? Ooooh trouble!!!
Let's see, I would have to go with:
Michael (LFN)
Birky (LFN)
Spike (BtVS)
Angelus (BtVS *when he was evil* )
Blair (TS)
Jim (TS)
Rafe (TS)
Dante (Bast's series)
Andy (Charmed *Before he died*)
Mulder (XF)
Krycek (XF)
Methos (HL *bowing down* )
Richie (" " " )
Well that's 13. I think I'll stop there. For now.

Love Aislin Alexandra'a Harem
Lol. Great question! Let愀 see:
Blair Sandburg (TS)
Jim Ellison (TS)
Simon Banks (TS)
Methos (Highlander)
Fox Mulder (X-files)
Sam (can愒 remember his last name now-Quantum Leap)
Danile Jackson (Stargate)
Jack O就eill (Stargate)
And I悲 put Jon Bon Jovi, the singer, as backup. After all, healthy little girl that I am, I悲 tire the boys out really fast! :-)
*Sigh* Where do I sign in? Lol.

Allison's Harem
hmmm....ok, seriously, 8 men, in no particular order...
1. Jonathan Brandis (only if he keeps his hair the same was as in SeaQuest. there's just sopmething about the hair in his eyes look......)
2. Richard Dean Anderson
3. Sean Connery
4. Stephen Wehmyer, Bodhran player for the band Gaelic Storm (you saw the movie Titanic? They were the stearage band)
5. John Cusak
6. Ewen McGregor
7 & 8. 2 RL guys here in my home town
I'll be looking forward to see what others have to say.....

Alpa Jopa"s Harem
Ok, here are my candidates *g*:
1) Michael Easton (!!! OF COURSE !!!)
2) Garrett Maggart (Blair Sandburg / Sentinel)
3) Christian Slater
4) Kevin Costner
5) Lorenzo Lamas (Renegade / Air America)
6) Andru Donalds
7) Johnny Depp
8) William Shockley (Hank / Dr.Quinn - Medicine Woman)

Amedia's Harem
Hmm... do I have to have sex with my harem? Or could I just dress them in diaphanous trousers and embroidered vests with no shirts underneath, and watch them go at it with each other? Pretty please?
If I could do that, then I'd select them in pairs.
Hm... how about...?
Johnny & Chet
Moffitt & Dietrich (Rat Patrol)
Duncan & Methos (Highlander)
Jim & Artie (Wild Wild West)
And then when they got tired of each other, they could swap around. I can just see Moffitt with Artemus, vying to see how many languages each could seduce the other in (I don't think Moffitt knows fluent Chinese, which Artie does, but I don't think Artie speaks as many Arabic dialects as Moffitt).
But even though 'Netfic might give the impression that Methos is the Universal Slash Slut (second only to Tom Paris), I somehow just can't see him with Chet. ;-)

Angela Jane
Ok I will bite on this one too.
1. The obvious Michael Easton
2. Keanu Reeves
3. Adrian Pasdar (Series PROFIT)
4. Roger Howarth (formerly Todd on One Life To Live)
5. Jason Priestly (Brandon 90210)
6. David Spade (Just for fun)
7. Maurice Bernard (Sonny on General Hospital)
8. David Duchovny (Mulder the X-Files)

hmmmm lemme see just have them all in one home like a brothel type set...
A MIcheal Baldwin
YOung Jimmy stewart(back in his younger days)
Duncan Macleod
Rollie Tyler
Marco Sanchez (PLayed on SeaQuest)
Julio Eqasius Jr.

Arion's harem
Ohhh....Tough one... Umm, let me see here...
Fox Mulder and Alex Krycek, def'nat'ly.
Umm Ryo McLane and Dee Latener (anime bishonen, yum ^_^)
Vic Mansfield and Cory Raines (You can never have too much Nick Lea...*drools*)
Geeze. The last two...Umm, I'm drawing a blank on the last two I'm afraid. *Shrugs* Oh well, I'll think on it. Should make for pleasant dreams, if nothing else. *smirks*

BladeWing's Harem
Mine would have...
Richie (Pokemon)
Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
James (Pokemon)
Mega Man aka Rock (Mega Man)
Proto Man aka Blues (Mega Man)
Dr. Albert Wily (Mega Man)
Dr. Ivo Robotnik (Sonic the hedgehog)
Snively (StH)
Jazz (fan made)
Forte/Bass (Mega Man)
Fox Mulder (X-files)
Alex Krycek (X-files)
X (Mega Man X)
Zero (Mega Man X)
Trigger (Mega Man Legends)
Teasel (Mega Man Legends)
Data (Mega Man Legends)
ok...that's all for now...
woo..i tingle...

Calysta Rose's Harem
The harem idea is fun! So here are who I'd choose:
#1 - Obi-Wan
#2 - Qui-Gon (although I don't know which I'd want more, them on me or just them on each other)
#3 - Xanatos (yes, yes...he's just a character in the JA books, but after reading Kass' Fragment of Endless Night I just can't help but love him)
#4 - Darth Maul (cause the Sith Academy has converted me...hehe)
#5 - William Andrew Phillip Bodie
#6 - Raymond Doyle (can't have one without the other)
#7 - Aeryn (yes I know it was supposed to be 8 MEN, but come on!)
#8 - Zahn (see #7)

Cat's Harem
ok, here's my harem.....lmao
1. Hubby...of course
2. Randy....who else!!!!! to fill the next 6 slots.....let me think
3.Paul Michael Glaser (Starsky)
4.Chuck Norris
5. Patrick Swayze
6. Elvis.......hey he may still be alive.....lmao
7. Joe Penny...(Jake from Jake and Fatman)
8. Tom Wopat......(Dukes of Hazzard)
I think that rounds it
oh man......if only!!!!!!!!!

"Cinnamon Girl"s Harem
1)Miguel Ortiz
2)Carlos Sandoval
3)The Vampire Lestat
4)Ramone ? (M Sanchez guest appearance on a show)
5)Andre (from Mercedes Lackeys Diana Treguard series')
6) Sturm Britblade (Dragonlance 1rst trilogy)
7)Buck Cross (Gregg Rainwater... *sigh*)
8)Duke Leto Atredis (Dune)
9)Han Solo (what can I say? Got to have him...)
10)Starbuck (Battle Star Galactica... woah... I gots a blonde on my list...)
11)Ramses' (The Damned)
LOL- Hope I didn't go over board...

Circe's harem
It took me a while to click to what this thread was all about, then a bit more to time to get into it. Then I sat down and thought about it. I came up with the following list of my dream harem:
David from the Lost Boys. I've always been in lust with the Sutherlands, Keifer and Donald. And I have a thing for vampires, too.
Blair Sandburg from The Sentinal. He has the face of an angel.
Richie Ryan (HL). He'd be so much fun to torment. (That's the domme in me speaking.)
Derek Rayne and Nick Boyle from P:tL for so many sexy reasons. And S.F. is my home town so I'm partial anyway.
Cory Raines. He's so much more fun them the ratboy and just as cute.
Rawhide from Buckaroo Banzai. I've seen one or two stories with him. The first time I was Clancy Brown on screen, I was smitten.
As the last, I'd have to add Jason Morgan from General Hospital. I've only seen one slash tale from GH featuring Jax and Ned. It was hot, but I still think the ideal couple is Sonny and Jason. Since the accident, Jason changed into a dangerous and sexy MAN, not just daddy's BOY Jason Q. And the love between him and Sonny is just so obvious to me.
This list my change tomorrow--it was hard keeping it to eight and I have a few close contenders waiting in the wings--but that's it for now. Comments?

Corde's Harem
Harem... NO I will not stick to males only! How boring is that?
Ares, God of War: Leather and sideburns. Nuff said.
Crichton: I don't think I need to explain this one.
Aeryn: What Cristin said.
Xena: c'mon, people! The woman exudes sensuality!
Gabrielle: Like chocolate and peanut butter. Er, peanut butter and jelly? Um, jelly and toast. Toast and tea? I don't care, but Xena and Gabby GO together.
Jim'n'Blair: They're like one person already. At least, in my mind.
BRUCE!: Bruce Campbell, as Autolycus or Brisco County Jr. or pretty much anyone he plays. He directs too, and he's hilarious, and I just love him.
Do I have enough Farscape people? Can I have D'Argo and Zhaan too?
Worf: I just love him. Best looking guy on ANY of the Star Treks, IMHO.
Obi-Wan and Maul, of course... I'll stop there because I'm being greedy.
Hmm... 13 people. I think that says something about me in general...

Cristin Anne's Harum
My Harem. And they're not all men, so tough *g*
1. Blair Sandburg (The Sentinel): The perfect man. Gorgeous hair, gorgeous body, gorgeous personality, speculation on mystical powers. Plus, he's got long hair, glasses, and is kind of nerdy. *Exactly* my type. What more could a girl want?
2. Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG-1): Television with long hair. See above for long hair, glasses, and kind of nerdy (what the hell, can anyone see a type here? *g*)
3. Aeryn Sun (Farscape): Nope, not a guy. Sorry. This woman is just to attractive for her own good :-)
4. Julian Bashir (DS9): Early seasons only. Um... no long hair or glasses... but kind of nerdy!!! *bg* Simply adorable.
5. Marron (Bakuretsu Hunters): He's a character from an anime. Simply a beautiful man... and the way he always protects his idiot of a brother.... And he's got long hair and mystical powers.
6. Qui Gon Jinn (Star Wars: TPM): Long hair, mystical powers. Plus such devotion... Ooh man...
7. Devon Adair (Earth 2): Yet another non-male. This woman's determination... and her *face*...
You know, I honestly can't think of anyone else..

Circe's harem
(the first part of this request will be added in a bit)
Dammit! I forgot one that I just CANNOT leave out.
Santanico Pandemonium from From Dusk Till Dawn. Talk about sexy woman. She can turn me any time!
But than again, so can Vachon. And Lestat. And Diamondback. And Jeanette Du Charme. And David....
I'll stop now

dejla's harem
Truthfully, the characters I'm interested in wouldn't handle well in a harem; that and I don't particularly want men -- or women -- that I can control. Oh, and lastly, they'd probably spend too much time in pissing contests, and I see enough of that at work. There's no fun in that at all, IMHO.
However, with the proviso that I wouldn't have a harem if you thrust it on me (and the pun is intentional), who I'm interested in, in no particular order but alphabetical, and with no assurance that I won't change my mind five minutes after I've written this...
Elizabeth Bennett [from the BBC version]
Bodie [Pros]
Martin Castillo [MV]
Chauvelin [from the A&E version] {the only casting in that that worked, IMHO}
Joe Dawson [HL]
Ray Doyle [Pros]
Michael Garibaldi [B5]
Lt. Colonel Ironhorse [WOOW]
LaCroix [FK]
Lewis No-Last-Name [Prey]
Robert McCall [Equalizer]
Jack McCoy [L&O]
Madeline [LFN]
Methos [HL]
Colonel McQueen [S:AAB]
Operations [LFN]
Rene [Any Day Now] {I've forgotten her last name}
Aeryn Sun
Nick Wolfe & Amanda [HL:R] What can I say? I like watching them together.
Purely fictional, or at least I've never seen them on screen:
Dorn [Islandia]
John Galt [Atlas Shrugged]
Pyanfar Chanur [the Chanur series]
Khym Mahn [from the above]
And I might as well quit there. I have no idea what the above says about my psyche, and frankly, my dears, I don't think I want to know.

Diana Williams' harem
Okay, to repeat my eight from the other list:
1) Walter Skinner (X-Files)
2) Fox Mulder (X-Files)
3) Blair Sandburg (Sentinel)
4) Jim Ellison (Sentinel)
5) Marcus (Babylon 5)
6) Obi-Wan Kenobi (TPM version)
7) Christopher Reeves (circa Superman 1 timeframe)
8) Michael Douglas (*any*time frame from "Romancing" through "American President")

EbonBird's Harem
Sam Becket (Quantum Leap)
Matthew Modine (Equinox, the gloves)
Greg Butters (Jesse L. Martin, Ally is fantasy, I know)
Mulder (because he needs me)
Harry Kim (Star Trek, voyager), the voice, the skin, the voice

Elyssa's Harem
Ok people, I know it was supposed to be 8 men, but personally I think guys are kinda boring. At least fantasy wise. So I am gonna make two lists, one male the other female.
1) Xena - It is all about that feral grin when she is kicking serious ass. Yum, yum.
2) Buffy - What can I say. I love those bad ass ladies.
3) Scully - Those lips, that skin, those eyes, and damn what a brain. Hell of a package.
4) Zhaan - I am just fully obsessed with her. I am sure you all understand.
5) Chiana - She has REALLY grown on me.
6) Catherine Zeta Jones - One of the hottest women ever.
7) Sophie Marceau - THE hottest women ever.
8) Nikita - Total blonde bombshell. And the hottest spy *I* have ever seen.
1) John Stewart - I know. I am a total freak. But I have wanted to marry him since I was in high school. What a cutie.
2) Ewan McGregor - That smirk. The accent. It is just too much.
3) Weyoun - All of them. Something about the color of his eyes and skin. He is just so...exotic looking and delicious.
4) Mulder - But I know he would need a *serious* ass kicking beforehand. He is just so...whiny.
5) Ares - Hunk o' burning love. Kevin Smith might be the sexiest man I have ever seen. *Especially* in all that black leather. Hot damn.
6) Kirk - Back in the day. Sure he bedded everything in the galaxy, but he was SUCH the man.
7) James Bond - Any of them. I mean who wouldn't want the suavest man in the universe at your beck and call? Plus you just KNOW he is a dynamo between the sheets.
8) Spike - Ok sure, he's a blood sucking fiend. But *damn* is he fine.
So that's it. Good choices? I think so. But I gotta tell you, I think I might need to take a cold shower now after thinking about this for so long.

Gilt ChocolatPapillon's Harem
....and now for my harem...what a dream:-P
Rob Ashton,Romance novel cover model
Dylan McDermott, THE PRACTICE
Joaquin Cortes, flamenco dancer
D'Angelo, R&B Singer
Peter Wingfield as Methos
AND just in case one of them wears out,

Ginger's Harem
Only eight in a harem! Oh well, I will try to limit it to eight. Here goes:
1.ROY! (Kevin tighe) (Can I list him 8 times? guess not)
2.Pernell Roberts
3.Richard Chamberlain
4.Paul Michael Glaser
5.Harrison Ford
6.Randy Mantooth
7.Robert Wagner
8.James MacGarther

Gray Bard's harem
I had to come out of lurkdom. This challenge was way *way* too good. Like so many others, I go with the "Women too!" protest.
I also found that some of my strange attractions aren't so uncommon after all!
My ideal harem
1) Dawn ( as in the redhaired goddess from the comic book series) Oh come on! Can anyone say "female Methos"? Same incredible long past, cynicism mixed with a genuine love of life, honest ability to love mixed with an aura of danger, great sense of humor, and pragmatism mixed with a quirky version of honor. Add magical powers, a killer figure and a wicked smile to die for? I don't care that she's a comic book character, Dawn has *got* to be my ultimate turn on. Bring on the goddess!
2) Methos. If you haven't heard of him, where have you been the last six years or so? The number one reason to watch Highlander reruns and anxiously await the new Highlander movie. Male version of Dawn. See above.
3) The first season Maid Marian on The New Adventures of Robin Hood. (Actress went on to play Megan Connor on The Sentinel) In my book, a way more approachable warriorwoman than Xena, yet not a skimpy costumed joke. Serious about the whole fighting evil thing as well as being good at it, yet still very likable and human. Had a *huge* crush on her.
4) Sharpe. Both on tv as played by Sean Bean, and in the books. The ultimate heroic rouge. Savage, gentle, moral (in a idiosyncratic but genuine way), loyal (again idiosyncratically when it comes to bed, but who am I to complain? I want a harem.), street smart, loving, funny, and dependable. Dang, he's perfect.
5) Xander. Not for bed, but just because he'd be cool to hang around with. I'd let him share the harem, if they agreed to it.
6) Aeryn Sun! That passion, that power, those eyes! Of course I'd *never* get in the way of John, but I don't think he'd mind letting her have a little fun on the side. After all, he was pretty dang casual about the whole Delvian unity thing, so Aeryn's got at least ten years of extra-relationship fun coming, right?
7) Tim O'Neill on Seaquest (played by Ted Raimi). Who didn't think that there was something very powerful underneath the mild manner? He's brilliant, understatedly funny, brave, loyal, vulnerable, and a total romantic. I *really* wish that they had finished the third season so that I could have seen the promised character development in this guy.
8) Anyone played by Bruce Campbell in charming rouge mode. He's got two acting moods, it seems to me from watching the guy. Charming rouge and annoying bastard. He does both very well, because I like the ones that are charming and really hate the others. by the way, "Jack of All Trades" was great fun. Think Scarlet Pimpernel meets Zorro with a hint of James Bond, and a Campbell twist added. I *like* it.
9) Megan Connor on the Sentinel. Okay, so she's played by the same woman as number three, but what do I care? With her dogged determination, sense of humor, and boundless discretion, Megan was the one woman on "The Sentinel" that I didn't hate. In fact I kinda *liked* her.

HeyTeach's Harem
My Harem is a bit freaky...
1. John Crichton-
He and I have been VERY intimate lately. Go to ...Love the One Your With. at Smutscape. to see what I mean
2. Larraq-
I just finished Act III of my first slash series between Larraq and John. Act II will be posted soon.
Did I just make a commercial? Oops. Oh well, read em anyway.
3. Penn Jillette-
yeah, yeah, the tall, loud one. It's just a thing I have. Nobody ever understands... I'm OK with it.
4. Paul Stanley-
Yes, in full Kiss regalia, heels and all. You always remember who gave you your first wet dream {in 7th grade.} OK women don't get 'wet dreams' but I was hot for him in '79... and it's not nice to forget your first.... lust.
5. James Alexander Malcom MacKenzie Fraser.
aka Jamie Fraser from Diana Gabaldon's series Outlander. If you have not read these, you should! Do not be put off by the 'romance novel section' thing. Even if you hate traditional Fabio covered romance books you WILL like this!!
6. Robin Zander- Cheap Trick
Someone has to sing all our beauties to sleep... and who better than the 'man of a thousand voices,' plus a babe in his own right.
7. Daniel - from the movie.
I am a sucker for Spader anyway.
8. Mulder.
Even though I quit watching two years ago... I just love the - lonely, sleep in a chair, porno watchin', so shy he'll die, sexless, Mulder.
9. Oh I suppose Lastat.
Old loved die hard, don't they.
10. And one very hot guy I REALLY know, and it's NOT my hubby. Him, I know... I want FANTASY!!!

jbarsnes' Harem
We can only have 8???*g* Okay, I'll try to keep it to only 8, so here goes in no particular order...
1)Michael Easton(of course),
2)Brandon Lee(if only he were alive),
3)Enrique Iglesias,
4)Carson Daly,
5)Matthew McConaughey,
6)Harry Connick, Jr.,
7)Brendan Fraser,and
8)David Boreanaz.
Okay, choosing ONLY 8 was extremely hard, but there are my candidates

Jen's harem
This has been such a fun question, I've really had to take a couple days and think it over.
1. To be boring, I'd have to put my husband at the top of the list, because I just don't think I'd want to give him up...:-)
2. Go ahead and put me down for one of the Tim clones as well.
3. Bob Weir, former guitarist for the Grateful Dead. Cause NO one looks as good as Bobby in a pair of shorts...:-)
4. I'll get in on a little of the Xander Harris sharing action. ;-)
5. Han Solo. Mine mine mine.
6. Fish. (The singer not the band.) Because every harem needs a 6' 5" Scot, if you ask me.
This is difficult, because I don't watch a hell of a lot of tv. I'll keep auditionin for the other three spots and fill them in later. :-)

Jenny's extended harem
Well, since we get to add women too, I'll add a few in case my hormonal urges ever decide to be kind and let me take the leap into bisexuality.
Jeri Ryan
Anna Galvin (But she has to gain weight to get back to what she looked like as Maid Marion!)
Salma Hayek
Catherine Zeta Jones
Good thing I'll have access to Bill Gates' bank account!

Jo's Harem
here's my harem.
1)My husband.
Yes, he's my husband, but hell, someone's gotta keep them in check (besides me). He'd be lead guy..and his massages are just heavenly.
2)Sinbad (Adventures of Sinbad)
Nothing like a man overboard in a white shirt and leather. Yum. =) And Zen's not hard on the eyes either. The soft as whiskey voice, the clear blue eyes, the muscles, the hair. First time I saw him, I was in heat. (big problem is my Zen clones are with my muse in paradise...making margaritas, pina coladas and not sending the timely fed ex stories as promised...still looking for a new muse. ) Ok, hell, I'd take Zen too.
Ok, Jo, calm down...
3)Ares. (Herc and Xena)
Ok, this time, a man in all black leather. *G* See a trend? Also, the bad boy done so well. He's spoiled, he's sexy, and he's a god. What more needs to be said? See above about heat.
4)Louis (Ann Rice's Vampire Chronicles)
Gotta have the brooding, deeply troubled soul in there somewhere. And the fact that he's a neck biter helps too.
5)Lestat (Ann Rice's Vampire Chronicles)
Need the perpetual party boy, hedoinist. See above reason too.
6)Lt. Hicks (Aliens)
A marine. Big, dumb and gorgeous eyes! Well, he's not really dumb...but oh Michael was fine then. (I missed much of the Mag 7 shows, so I can't comment on the man in black) He's another actor that I just adore.
7) Han Solo, the earlier years, before Leia.
Cocky, headstrong, handsome, and that grin. Yep. Yep...helped me go thru puberty.
8)Neo...I'll take a clone.
Pretty much the same reasons given earlier. He's a geek, I'm a works.
9) The Lost Boys...
All of in part. My late night party boys. To help Lestat of course.
Again, the brooding, loner, bloodsucking badboy. Don't like him so much when he's with Buffy, but when she's gone...he's mine to play with. *G*
11)The 4 Musketteers, and Rouchefort.
The last version, all 5 were hot in one way or another.
Loner, brooding, handsome, and again, with the eyes. *G*
Ok, that's an even dozen, and I think enough to keep me busy for a while.

Kaja's Harem
As for that Harem question, I'm thinking i'm going to have Daniel, (and most of the VC gang) Mulder, and a couple of others that I don't know as of yet. As for that Harem question, I'm thinking i'm going to have Daniel, (and most of the VC gang) Mulder, and a couple of others that I don't know as of yet.

Karen-Leigh's harem
I am not sure I can come up with 8. As a start, hmmmm.
Robert Blake cause he is aging well.
Nicholas Lea cause he is so gorgeous.
David Duchovny cause I want my guys to play nice when I am tired.
Those are the only live ones I can think of. Maybe we can extend it to characters played by favourites. Then I would have one from column a and one from column b.
Karen-Leigh (who would also take her hubby along)

Karia's Harem
My list would include:
Rob Roy - a man in a kilt, need I say more
John Crichton
Blair Sandburg
Jim Ellison
Hans Solo
The Road Warrior
and George (as in George of the Jungle).
I'm sure I'll be adding more in the future.

Kat's harem
1) Julian Luna (Kindred the Embraced)
2) Cash (Kindred the Embraced)
3) Jim Ellison (The Sentinel)
4) Blair Sandburg (The Sentinel)
5) Ares (Hercules)
6) Antonio Bandares
7) Sean Connery
8) Duncan (Highlander)
Oh yes - though there are good arguments for allowing a round - or even a baker's - dozen. There's lots of candidates left. (ummm, the young obi wan anybody?)

katirene's non harem
1) Willow Rosenberg of Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
2) Tim O'Neill of seaQuest (for communications)
3) Modesty Blaise (books by Peter O'Donnell)
4) H.M Murdock of the A-Team (transportation & undercover work)
5) Miguel Ortiz of seaQuest (for brawn and mechanical know-how)
6) Doyle of Angel (for advanced warning)
7) Data of ST:TNG (general all around expert)
8) Burkhoff of Le Femme Nikita (for computer - I don't watch the show, but I still think I'd chose him over Lucas - I'm now going to go under cover because I know that a lot of ELF-ers are going to toss things at me ;-)

Kim's Harem
Okay, so I decided to come ou of lurkerdom to include myself Harems are always fun. And I'm just gonna keep this one at all male, there would be far too many if I went for both.
Does this have to be in any order? Because, then I would have a seriously hard time. So, no order here...
1. Blair Sandburg: One word for you, yum! I mean, who could not love this nerdy, geeky little anthropologist. He meditates and has got all of that yummy random knowledge stuck up there in his gorgeous brain. (Who reads Russian?) Plus, how cool would his mom be as an in-law? Yes, I am perfectly serious. All of his theories and obfuscations only attest to the sweet man inside. He cares for people. He recognizes their feelings and motivations. Oh, and he's got great hair.
2. John Grant: (Played by Julian McMahon...kill me now!) Profiler for those of you who don't know. First and second seasons please. This man is the perfect blend of sexy and smart. He's got a fabulous sense of humor. He always carries a gun (such a plus). And to top it all off he's got a great house in the country. This is yet another yummy boy. His brave exterior can't hide the child inside. He's afraid of getting hurt and keeps people at a distance.
3. Julian Bashir: First few seasons please. He's a doctor. He's a flirt. What's not to like? Great sense of humor, a brain he actually uses, and pretty eyes. The accent is just an added plus. yet another with an unalterable honor code. He has a code of conduct and he keeps to it. His concern for others is touching.
4. John Crichton: I doubt I need to explain this one. He's just so likable (or lickable) in black leather.
5. Sinbad: (Zen is such a babe) Adventures of Sinbad. Hey, I'd go out in his lil boat with him any day. He has a great honor code and is a truly loyal friend and crewmate. He's one who will never let you down. He'd fight to keep his word and helps those he does not know habitually. And the black leather doesn't hurt either ;)
6. Jonathan Vance: (Edward Atterton) Three, Far Harbor, etc. I like the Johns, I know. But he's got a most excellent accent and this character was just too cute. I always loved professional criminals. Got a mind like a steel trap and way too much sex appeal for me to resist. His teasing, tough exterior shadows the pain of his past. He doesn't want to get hurt either.Once he makes freinds, he keeps them for life. There is no gray area for him. Plus the curly hair. Good deal.
7. Ares: I think he's by far the most popular so far (okay, so Crichton will give him a run for his money, but still). Black leather really will be my downfall. And bad boys are so much fun to play with, too.
8. Larraq: What a cutie. Black leather, again. I'm telling you. But, if he hadn't died, I would have wanted him with Aeryn becasue he's just too cool. And he always carries a gun, too.
9. Alonzo Solace: Can anyone say Antonio Sabato Jr? Ah, the lovable, vulnerable flyboy. Can't forget him now, can we? He is definitely a friend (and more) that I would like to have. He never gives up on people. Even in the darkest moments, he can see inside people and recognizs the light.
10. Benny Ray Riddle: (Tim Abell) Random SOF actor, I know. But this southern boy just stole my heart. Another strict honor code and one who is never without a gun. He would do anything for his friends and allies. A real man with just a touch of shyness and mystery about. Some of his looks are worth a thousand words. Great body, unbelievable body, I *want* his body!
11. Chance Walker: (R嶧l Andrews) Yet another SOF actor. What can I say? They were all hot. This guys got the goods. Great looks, always has a knife, yummy. Another man of few words. His actions really do speak louder than words, though. He's always concerned with his friends and comrades. Loves to joke around with those he knows, however.
12. Cooper Hawkes: (Rodney Rowland) Space: Above and Beyond. This is another vulnerable cutie. Gorgeous body, great eyes, childlike outlook on life. Too much to pass up. Great sense of loyalty. Psyched out relationship with McQueen, but who wouldn't with that man?
13. Michael: I love this man. Another one with an excellent accent. He is just so sexy. His voice, how he carries himself, his mannerisms. He's got everything. He's also got a gun.
13. Nathan Brubaker: (Michael Whaley) Another Profiler man. This one's a lawyer...with a gun. ;) He's another combination of sweet, smart, and sexy. A wonderful friend, true to the last. He never gives up on you. He'd go to hell and back for his friends. The most altruistic man one would ever know.
14. Xander: Great sense of humor, an inner sweetness, someone you could have some major fun with.
15. Spike: And what's wrong with vampires? This boy's too hot to pass over.

kit8760's harem
Here are my eight guys plus their stand ins.
David Duchovny(The X-Files)
Sidney Poitier
Michael Shanks (Stargate: SG-1)
Garrett Maggart(sp.)(The Sentinel)
Richard Burgi (The Sentinel)
Blair Underwood (LA Law)
Dustin Nguyen (21 Jumpstreet)
Patrick Stewart (ST: TNG)
If one of these guys were unavailable then these two could fill in.
Carey Grant
Robert Duncan McNeil (ST: Voyager)
Rupert Everett (I know he's gay but this is my fantasy) Don Franklin (Seven Days)

Latoya's harem
Subject: harems
Jim-from-The Sentinel
Blair-from-The Sentinel
Richie-from Highlander
Methos-from Highlander
Cash-from Kindred

LeatherBitch's Harem
I have to go for eight women, rather than men, ~S~
7 of 9 ( ST: Voyager )
Jadzir Dax ( ST: DS9 )
Cpt Ivonavah ( Babylon 5 )
Morgaine ( Mists of Avalon )
Emma Peel ( Avengers )
Tanya Cheeks Preaching to the Perverted )
and My own Partner, to co-Domme and keep the rest in line

Lisa's harem
Ok, now that I've had time to think about it, here are the eight men I'd have in my harem:
Garett Maggart (Blair on The Sentinel)
Peter Wingfield (Methos on Highlander)
Adrian Paul (Duncan on Highlander)
Richard Burgi (Jim on The Sentinel)
Stan Kirsch (Richie on Highlander)
Harrison Ford (Han Solo, Indiana Jones)
C. Thomas Howell (Ponyboy in The Outsiders now Dr. Kennedy on Amazon)
Jack Davenport (Peter in The Talented Mr. Ripley)
If any of these are unable to fulfill their duties here is a list of stand ins:
John Taylor (formerly of Duran Duran)
Anthony Delongis (guest starred on Highlander, sword fighting expert/instructor)
Jim Byrnes (Joe on Highlander)
Mark Consuelos (Mateo on All My Children)
Ted Raimi (Joxer on Xena, Tim on seaQuest)

Maggie's Harem
Here's my little harem list.
Illya Kuryakin (never did like Napoleon Solo)
Blair Sandburg (actually tying for first place)
Iolaus (from Hercules)
Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG-1)
Nicholas Lea (X-Files)
Mel Gibson
Michael Biehan (Aliens, etc)
James Spader
Scott Hamilton

Maria Guyan
Hmmm.... let's see.... only eight?
1. Blair (Sentinel)
2. Jim (Sentinel)
3. Rafe (Sentinel)
4. Daniel (Stargate)
5. Jack (Stargate)
6. Lucas (Seaquest)
7. Nicolas (Forever Knight)
8. Neo (Matrix)

Mary's Harem
I'm in. My list consists of the following:
1. Richard Burgi
2. Bruce A. Young
3. Mel Gibson
4. Danny Glover
5. Christopher Walken
6. Christopher Lambert
7. Sean Connery
8. Leonard Nimoy
Pity I have to stop at 8. Oh well, I can dream, can't I?

Max' Harem
ok, my harem really only needs the following:
Ace from Dr. Who
Trinity from The Matrix
Catwoman (animated series form)
Catherine Denevue in The Hunger (live foever? oh, my, yes!)
that's about it, really.

Mel's Harem
So many men, so little time...
Blair Sandburg, for waking up with each morning. We'd kiss, cuddle, meditate and have tea and toast.
Daniel Jackson, for Sundays. He would humor me by going with me to church, then we'd picnic in the park and he would tell me fascinating facts about ancient history.
Ken Hutchinson, for Mondays. That's when I'm most irritated and onery, and he would sooth my fevered brow and sharp temper very nicely.
Illya Kuryakin, for boring Tuesdays. He'd help me make it through the day with sharp humor and a dry outlook. I like that in a man.
Sherlock Holmes, for Wednesdays. By this time I need to be kept on my toes mentally. We'd discuss his latest cases and I'd flatter him with coy comments on his violin playing.
Kevin Sorbo, wearing his Hercules costume, of course, for Thursdays. I don't really have to explain him, do I?
Dave Starsky, for Friday night playtime, for celebrating the end of the work week.
Mel Gibson, for Saturdays. To show off. To stare at. To try not to be so obiviously the fool that I am about the guy. We'd go into the country and he'd take me horseback riding, and I'd watch him while he builds something with wood, muscles rippling, blue eyes twinkling, that wonderful grin grinning...
Notice that I left all the sex stuff out... You can use your vivid imaginations to put that in.

Melissa's Harem
Well, let see if I could come up with eight.
1. Michael Easton from TWO
2. Jonathan Brandis from Two came back
3. Randolph Mantooth from Emergency
4. Eric Martin from Mr. Big
5. Mark Dacasocos from The Crow
6. Ike Eisenmann from Star TrekIV
7. Jon-Erik Hexum from Cover Up
8. Dolph Lungren from Showdown in Little Tokyo

Micandra's Harem
On another list, we were asked to choose a harem of 8 guys. (Sorry any guys on list) I thought it was fun and told a little about the harem misteress. Don't just randomly pick 8 guys, think about it and place them accordingly. Mine are all actors, but yours don't have to be.
1. Pete Duel (As Heyes. Monday I need a man with a plan.)
2. Kevin Sorbo (As Hercules. Tuesday I need somebody to help me put that plan into action.)
3. Michael Hurst (As Iolaus. Wensday I need somebody with energy to spare to help me over hump day.)
4. Jameson Parker (As AJ Simon. Thursday I need someone with a level head the put all the energy I got from Iolaus to good use.)
5. David Soul (As Det. Kenneth 'Hutch' Hutchinson. Friday I need a little TLC. And, man, nobody does TLC like Hutch.)
6. Dirk Benedict (As Starbuck. Saturday I need an irresistible rogue to have fun with.)
7. Richard Hatch (As Apollo. To help me recover from Starbuck and to get ready for Monday.)
8. Gerald McRaney (As Rick Simon. For when I need a fun vacation.)
Hmm...all but #1, 7, and 8 are blond and blue eyed. Okay, McRaney is blue eyed. Almost got a blond sandwich on dark bread.

Monica's harem
Well You know i couldn't pass this up!
1) Blair Sandburg...(if you don't know who this is...your on the wrong list)
2) Richie Ryan (highlander)
3) Rick Springfield ( as Nick knight in Forever Night the movie and High Tide)
4) Derek Mitchell (Jake and the Fatman)
5) Jarod (pretender)
6) James Spader (stargate)
7) Mel Gibson
8) Harrison Ford
And the List goes on

Natasha's Harem
For me, it would be the following characters (and when I snap my fingers, they changed into the actors who play them)
1 - Lyle (Pretender) and his alter-ego Jack Bullock from the ep. of Sliders (seen it yesterday, still drooling on my keyboard :-)
2 - Alex Krycek (XFiles) my favorite bad boy.
3 - Jarod (Pretender)
4 - Sydney (Pretender)
5 - Blair (Sentinel) with long hair one day, short hair the other day.
6 - Skinner (XFiles)
7 - Mulder (XFiles)
8 - Angel (BtVS)

Olivier Gobert's harem
In a sort of "chronological order", it would be:
Cordelia ( Carisma Carpenter in BTVS )
Miss Parker ( Andrea Parker in Pretender )
Scully ( Gillian Anderson in X-Files )
Sera ( Elisabeth Sue in Leaving Las Vegas)
Rachel ( Sean Young in Blade Runner )
Harriet Makepeace ( Glynis Barber in Demsey & Makepeace an old english serie )
Myriam ( Catherine Deneuve in The Hunger )
Emma Peel ( Diana Riggs in The avengers )

Rhaunee's Harem
Jake Clawson (SWAT Kats)
Chance Furlong (SWAT Kats)
Sher Kahn (Tale Spin)
Exile (Road Rovers)
Qui-Gon Jinn (Star Wars)
Alo (Dinosausers)
Vinnie (Biker Mice from Mars)
Ulysses Feral (SWAT Kats)

RockSiren's Harem
I am young, so forgive my taste:
1.) Rodney Rowland (Cooper Hawkes) from "Space Above and Beyond" (the only 34 year old man Ive ever seen that still looks like hes 25)
2.) my younger sister wants me to say David Tom (Billy Abbott) from the "Young and the Restless"
3.) Ryan Reynolds from "Two Guys, A Girl and a Pizza Place"
4, 5, 6:) The cast of "Young Hercules" (Ryan Gosling, Dean O'Gorman and Chris Conrad)
7.) Luke Wilson
8.) Ted Raimi (hes really funny).

Sarah and Michael's Harems
Hmmm. There are way more than eight. Could I have *two* harems? LOL!
Jim Ellison
Blair Sandburg
Simon Banks
Benton Fraser
Ray Vecchio
Ray Kowalski
Derek Rayne
Nick Boyle

Eek! See, there's eight already, and I can think of a lot more!
Okay, the next eight are for Michael. (Guys can have guy harems, too, right?)
Fox Mulder
Walter Skinner
Alex Krycek
Duncan MacLeod
Richie Ryan

I can think of enough for another one, but I'll let someone else have those! Wow, there are a lot of hotties.

Shar's Harem
Eight? I can do eight.
Garett Maggart (Blair-TS)
Richard Burgi (Jim-TS)
Peter Wingfield (Methos-HL)
Adrian Paul (Duncan-HL)
Scott Bakula (Sam-QL)
The Artist Formerly Known as Prince
Keanu Reeves
Steven Tyler (Aerosmith)
*Essential items: Towel, drool bucket, camera and video camera.

Shrift's Harem
Well, as for a harem...this is what I came up with off the top of my head. 10. I know, that's not much, but the favorites are there. All those that I either write for or adore and don't feel I can write the character well...
Oh, dear...decisions, decisions...
First off, I must have Methos.
The lean, lithesome ancient with changeable eyes and an even more changeable disposition shares my love of all things beer, rock'n'roll and sarcasm. Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod, eat your heart out.
Secondly, I must have Michael.
The ultimate angsty man in black, killer with the face of an angel and a French accent that makes something go gooey when he says, "Reconnaissance." I, uh, feel his pain...and that's not all I'd like to feel.
Third, I must have John Crichton.
Yeah, he's got a buff body and a PhD in Theoretical Physics. And I can't decide if I want to laugh or hurt him most of the time, which is just the way I like it.
Fourth, I must have Ray Kowalski.
Okay, so he's quirky, has experimental hair, a tattoo, and low self-esteem. But every time he pulls a gun or says, "I suck," I just wanna-

Fifth, I must have Obi Wan Kenobi.
Uh huh. The young version, preferably, even though Alec Guinness *does* sorta have something going for him...anyway, you got that *face* and that body and that mind and just *imagine* what the Padawan could do with the Force...
Sixth, I must have Neo.
Okay. He's the One. He's a geek. He's gorgeous. He develops fashion sense. I love my computer, he loves his. Match made in heaven.
Seventh, I must have Captain Sharpe.
Scruffy scrapper with a killer instinct and an even more killer grin. The way he says, "Theresa," makes me wish that was my name. Almost makes me want to *change* my name. Man in uniform...roooowwwwrr...
Eighth, I must have The Crow.
Just about any incarnation, really...heh heh heh...TV version'll do. The angst, the darkness, the whole macabre deal in a black leather package.
Ninth, I must have a Mulder.
Aww...saw Mulder doing magic tricks for Scully on Sunday and found myself wishing he'd hide the quarter someplace *under* his suit. And that lower lip and whacked sense of humor are too much. Must have.
Tenth, I'll take a Krycek, please.
Ah...rat boy. Naughty, naughty rat boy with a cheeky grin. Okay, so was I the only one who didn't want him to get blown up or dismembered...well, much?
I suppose that's it, for now. Until I discover a new fandom...or remember about Jim Ellison the Sentinel...damn...
Well, I'll get back to you. My harem will probably be bursting at the tent seams, but I guarantee you, I'll be happy...

Sky's Harem
My nine men are:
Jim (...personal security...and more)
Richard (...for fun, fun, fun)
Nick Knight (...for night adventures)
Winston Rekert
Robert Smith from The Cure (for music............................... Alexandra Veljanov from Deine Lakaien the backraund)
Jerod (Pretender)
SID (Wrestler)
Stone Cold Steve Austin (Wrestler)
..but Blair/Garett can visit me from time to a friend :-)

Susy's Harem
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I sometimes lie awake at night contemplating questions like this. My personal harem would include:
#1. Dukat
As much as I love Farscape, no character from it or any other show will engage my energy and affections the way DS9's Dukat has. He is such a complex, multi-faceted character, a "bad guy" who is much more compelling and attractive than the "good guys." And, as a friend described him, he is "sex on legs." I learned to use the computer so I could join the Dukat's Women's Social Club. My study is a shrine to the character. I've travelled the country to attend club dinners with the actor who plays him. Dukat led me to fandom and inspired me to write my first fanfic.
#2. D'Argo
I'm a sucker for a character who combines a great capacity for tenderness with a real element of menace. D'Argo would be a formidable enemy or a formidable lover.
#3. Methos
(If I can wrestle him away from Shrift.)
#4. Vincent, from the '80s series Beauty and the Beast
My husband is concerned about my attraction to men with facial dysmorphisms, but I've never found traditional pretty boys sexy. Vincent's unabashed romanticism is very attractive.
#5. Kurn
Facial dysmorphisms again. Sometimes the Klingon warrior/ honor thing works for me, especially when embodied by Tony Todd.
#6. Ed Harris
The thinking woman's sex symbol. Quiet intelligence and the most intense eyes.
#7. Liam Neeson
My teenage daughter and I worked this one out when we watched The Phantom Menace. She gets Ewan McGregor, I get Liam Neeson. (Another big guy with a lumpy forehead.)
#8. Skinner
I live for the annual episodes when he takes his shirt off.

Stormwolf Dawn's Harem
My harem...mmmm, that's a good one. Let's see definitly Jim Ellison, Methos, Nick Knight, Edward from Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series, along with Richard from said series, mmmm..three more to go...ahm, Lan Mandragoran from The Wheel of Time series, as well as Perrin from said series, and last but certainly not least Commander William T. Riker. Yes, this is definitly my harem. (Everyone else stop drooling)LOL. Can we say orgy.

Ta Mallor's Harem
Okay, Eight Men for my harem...
1) Chris O'Donnell as Robin the Boy Wonder
2) Marco Sanchez as Miguel Ortiz of SeaQuest DSV (long hair season)
3) John Wesley Shipp as The Flash
4) Richard Dean Anderson as MacGyver
5) Matthew Perry as Chandler Bing of Friends
6) John Leguizamo as Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez of To Wong Foo
7) Marky Mark Wahlberg as Dirk Diggler of Boogie Nights
8) Brian Bloom as Bandit
I think that works.


Tasmia's Harem
Okay, Eight Men for my harem...
1) Chris O'Donnell as Robin the Boy Wonder
2) Marco Sanchez as Miguel Ortiz of SeaQuest DSV (long hair season)
3) John Wesley Shipp as The Flash
4) Richard Dean Anderson as MacGyver
5) Matthew Perry as Chandler Bing of Friends
6) John Leguizamo as Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez of To Wong Foo
7) Marky Mark Wahlberg as Dirk Diggler of Boogie Nights
8) Brian Bloom as Bandit
I think that works.

Theresa's Harem
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Lucy Lawless
Gillian Anderson
Rene Oconnor
Alyson Hannigan
Claudia Black
Melissa Etheridge
Geri Ryan
Give me a woman in a uniform any day, add an accent and I am in heaven!!!

Tonie Eaton
Hmmmm. Eight or more men, eh? Living or deceased? OK,
Robert Lansing
Gene Kelly
Richard Jeackle
Keith Szarabajka (Mickey on Equalizer)
Jim Ellison
Blair Sandburg
Ken Earl (what can I say, I like big and cuddly)
James Earl Jones (just for the voice)
TAE (come to think on it, all of my choices have wonderful voices to listen to... Must be my left-brain-Audio taking over)

Tricia's harem
Eight guys? Oh wow! A harem of guys? Ole greedy here can think of a few she would love to own! Starting with Jim and Blair Tom Paris and Harry Kim moving on to Duncan and Methos, then lets see, I only get two more? I'll wait to pick them.... only two??
All right! Yumm... if I could afford a harem, then I would have a very large play ground!
With lots of toys!!
Harm from Jag, would be included, a the Original Jim West, John Dillion from Planet Earth, then Chakotay, and Rafe for flavor, hmmm still thinking and adding that mental list!
Told ya I was greedy! ;-)

Val's Harem
Hmm. Bears thinking about (and drooling). But I have to wonder what this says about me psychologically.
First one is obvious: Hannibal Heyes (Pete Duel). That silver tongue has to be good for more than just talking!
Next is still obvious (if you know me): Starbuck & Apollo (Dirk Benedict & Richard Hatch). They go together so nicely, don't they?
Then a little less obvious: Lovejoy (Ian McShane) I'm not really into antiques, but I could learn.
Back to the obvious: Face & Murdock (Dirk Benedict & Dwight Schultz) Another favorite couple.
Hmm, let's see... two more. Do I go for the obvious or not?
Obvious: Duncan McLeod (Adrian Paul) We all need a little Boy Scout sometimes.
Less obvious: Gabriel Byrne (as d'Artagnan in the Man in the Iron Mask)
Forget Leo; Papa's much nicer to look at. Black hair, blue eyes, cannot resist!
First Alternate: Timothy Dalton (don't care about the role) I'm one of the three people who actually liked him as James Bond (and knew who he was before that!)
Judging from the preponderance of conmen on my list (Starbuck, Face, Lovejoy, Heyes), it would seem I have a soft spot for rogues. Like I said, what does this say about *me*? (Not to mention the fact that Dirk Benedict is on here twice!)
{Looking back at my list, I'm starting to think of others I could easily put on this list: Chris Kositchek {however you spell his name} from Days of Our Lives a looong time ago {when it was good} (Josh Taylor); Mel Gibson would be a little too obvious, I guess, but he sure is pretty; Han Solo would be another rogue to add to my collection; I know there must be more but I can't think of them at the moment.}

Waldo's Harem
All right, I'll play to see if this blinking machine is co-operating. :)
1.) Obi-Wan Kenobi (TPM version)
2.) Qui-Gon Jinn (TPM)
3.) Curt Wild (Velvet Goldmine)
4.) Brian Slade (VG)
5.) Blair Sandburg (Sentinel)
6.) Nick Knight (Forever Knight)
7.) Benton Fraser (Seasons 1&2 US) (due South)
8.) Marcus Cole (Babylon 5)

Xen''s Harem
My own personal harem!! Oh my, you asked for it!
#1 Ewan McGregor
That impish smile, that gorgeous ass. He would be my personal love slave. He's madly in love with me, you know, he just doesn't know it yet. ;)
#2 Curt Wild and #3 Brian Slade so I could watch them getting it on. They cut all the good bits out of Velvet Goldmine, dammit.
#4 Obi-Wan and #5 Darth Maul, because you always need Force driven hot monkey sex.
#6 John Crichton so he can learn about Force driven hot monkey sex. And teach #7 D'Argo
#8 Ares God of War to keep order and rub my feet.
#9 Joxer to keep Ares company.
That's all I can think of for now. oops I got an extra, you asked for 8. Sorry I just can't decide which one to delete, so I guess I get 9